A second son for Prince Aimone and Princess Olga: Prince Amedeo, 24 May 2011

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Heir Presumptive
May 5, 2005
San Francisco
United States

HRH Prince Amedeo of Savoy,
Duke of Abruzzi,
second son of Prince Aimone and Princess Olga,
was born today in Paris.

Source: Unione Monarchica Italiana

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Thats fabulous news...congratulations to the family!

I did not know that she was expecting. Bravo!!
Congratulations to the happy couple!
Great news! Congratulations to the family :flowers:
OMG! that's so nice, is their first born very young or does time just fly when you are having fun on the royal forums!:crown6:
I didn't know she was pregnant ! Nonetheless, congratulations to the family.
This news came totally unexpected! The pregnancy had not been announced by the Royal Family, as far as I know.
Congratulation to Princess Olga, Prince Aimone and Prince Umberto!

OMG! that's so nice, is their first born very young or does time just fly when you are having fun on the royal forums!:crown6:
Their other son, Prince Umberto, is now 2 years old, being born on 7 March 2009.
This is amazing news! Congratulations to the lucky parents and the whole family!
Nothing was announced about this pregnacy because it was a rather difficult one.But now everybody is happy for the birth of HRH Prince Amedeo, a new Prince with dynastic rights.The continuity of the Royal House of Savoy is even stronger now.
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Great news! Congratulations to the lovely family!
What a surprise! Congratulations to Prince Aimone and Princess Olga :flowers:

Umberto and Amedeo - lovely names. I hope that a photo will be released later, photos of this family are so rare...
A photo won't be released today because the little Prince with her mother are still in the hospital.
Possible titles for the little Prince?Duke of Genova, Duke of Abruzzi, Duke of Pistoia, Duke of Bergamo?
What a nice surprise! :flowers:
I had absolutely no idea that Princess Olga was pregnant again. Congratulations to TRH the Prince and Princess!
The pregnacy was difficult and that's way everything was announced only when the little Prince was born.Princess Marina of Greece must be very happy to be grandmother again ...as well as Prince Michael of Greece, Prince Amedeo of Savoy, Princess Claudia of Orleans.
The birth of the little prince Amedeo is such a great news and a surprise!!
Many congratulations to the Dukes of Apulias!!
The future of the dynasty is much more solid now, a new boy in the family is a great blessing!

The name they chose is just perfect. As title, I would suggest: duke of Aosta or duke of Spoleto.

Just a detail: in the official statement, the family surname is "Savoia Aosta".
I didn't even know she was pregnant. I am delighted for them !
I didn't even hear she was pregnant, good news as I'm a Savoy-Aosta supporter that means we now have 3 men in the line to the headship of the house, how nice!
It was the highest time to decide to have second child; finally, Olga turns 40 in November.

Great news for Aosta family! So now Aosta branch is "beating" Savoia branch by having 2 boys ..... Emanuele Filiberto has only 2 girls.....
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