General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 7: October 2010 - March 2011

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General news about Frederik, Mary and Family Part 8
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Dazzling, iceflower and JessRulz
Royal House of Denmark Mod's
Either a nanny or Mary's Personal Assistant.
I think the same, it look the same person! like Christian nanny?
PA=Lady in waiting?

No, personal assistant -- probably in the sense of unofficial duties, but apparently we would know if she had one because the position would be part of their household if I understand correctly. I can imagine that a PA would be quite useful to Mary if only to run errands and such but I do not know how a royal household is run (and sadly never will ;)).
:sad:sadly like you said we will never know how is run a royal household, what a pity becasue could dbe something very interested to learn!
No, personal assistant -- probably in the sense of unofficial duties, but apparently we would know if she had one because the position would be part of their household if I understand correctly. I can imagine that a PA would be quite useful to Mary if only to run errands and such but I do not know how a royal household is run (and sadly never will ;)).

That's what her staff is for.
If Mary and Frederik need new socks, it will be Mary's maid or Frederik's valet who will take care of that. That shouldn't be a big problem.
The same thing would apply to soap, deodorants and other not too personal items. The staff will take care of it.
I can just imagine that it would be more practical and fun for Mary from time to time to just go shopping/browsing for, in this case, toys rather than selecting something from a catalogue or on the Net. And then tell a nanny to go buy it for her.

The closest thing to a personal assistent Mary has will be her LiW's or maid. And in Frederik's case, his valet. - They are the ones who will deal with, among other things, the most personal items.

To put it bluntly and in a way everybody can understand: What will a royal do if he needs contraception? Pop down to the chemist himself? Nah.
Ask his doctor? Who could be semi-fossilised, be a friend of the family and having no imagination. Not necessarily.
Ask his valet? Who may go and buy a wide selection of condoms, put them somewhere and ask no questions. More likely, eh?

It's similar with a female royal. She will most likely turn to her maid or LiW.
Alexandra made the mistake once to trust someone who wasn't bound by the official secrets act, so the purchase of a very personal item suddenly popped up in a tabloid.
it would be ineresting to see wht the "secret's acts" say
it would be ineresting to see wht the "secret's acts" say

Eh, perhaps more correctly a letter of confidence. Those employed by the court, i.e. the official staff are required to sign a letter of confidence - similar to most civil servants or other public employees who have access to sensitive information about other people. (I've signed a few myself, even on the very low levels I worked in back then).

If they breach that confidence and give away personal informations about the DRF, which has not been approved by the DRF, they commit a criminal offence.
It's not just a matter of a civil lawsuit.
They are criminals and it won't do just to publish say a book in another country. They will be wanted criminals.

Apart from any personal embarrasment to the DRF it's also a matter of having a working relationship with their staff. That is hardly possible unless their is a certain amount of trust.

Another and more omnious reason for these measures is of course security. If a staff member can't keep his big mouth shut in regards to gossip about the DRF, chances are that he can't keep quiet about security either. - So believe me, it's the big hammer that will be used, should anyone breach the confidence.

In Alexandra's case it was a private employee of Joachim and Alexandra, not a staff member. As such the person in question had not signed a letter of confidence. And while that person was very disloyal it was decided not to take the matter to court, where in my opinion Alexandra no doubt would have won a lawsuit.

The stakes are much higher for court employees. Most likely a (and pretty hefty) jail sentence. No jobs, let alone a futire career, in the public service will be possible. (Except perhaps as a cleaner.) A criminal record. No pension. No unemployment benefit.
Muhler, Thank you so much for your inside, i think it is interested this kind of contracts becasue I belive celebreties here they have the same thing with thier employyes and i am thinking all people with money probably has a simillar contract, if one day I became wealthy I would do the same, this and the way they preserve their assets and jewellery it is a matter of interesnt becasue it is amazing thught the years and generation they keep evreything! I think it is ammater of studay. If may I ask what the employed of Alexander said about her buying???????
Muhler, Thank you so much for your inside, i think it is interested this kind of contracts becasue I belive celebreties here they have the same thing with thier employyes and i am thinking all people with money probably has a simillar contract, if one day I became wealthy I would do the same, this and the way they preserve their assets and jewellery it is a matter of interesnt becasue it is amazing thught the years and generation they keep evreything! I think it is ammater of studay. If may I ask what the employed of Alexander said about her buying???????

Yes, but the differnece is that breaching such a contract as mentioned above is matter for a civil lawsuit.
A Danish court employee who is breaching a letter of confidence, is committing a criminal offence, a felony I believe you would call in USA. Not a mere misdemeanor. (spl?)
- Which is different from a contract of confidence, which some companies and people also use here in DK. (The general rule of loyalty to your employer is often considered enough).
Muhler , you are a very knowloge person, and I am glad you are here in this forum to inform us better, between royals and celebrities it is a big difference one thing is to breach security for the royals and another thing is to tell the tabloids private gosspis about the celebrities, if I am not wrong once Nicole Kidman sew her nannie, or maid for publishing private staff from her and then Tom Cruise, afterwards I don't remember what happen but in the case of Mary, Fred and the kids it is more serius staff involve , the saftey of them I imagine the contracts and the investigation of the personal that they work for the them it is very strict. I was thinking how they maintain private all visit to the doctors not only in this case that Mary is pregnant but the kids they need to be seeing by a doctor every so often , vactinations, etc...... some blood ttests, Xrays etx...... , certenly it is a facinating life they have!
Muhler , you are a very knowloge person, and I am glad you are here in this forum to inform us better, between royals and celebrities it is a big difference one thing is to breach security for the royals and another thing is to tell the tabloids private gosspis about the celebrities, if I am not wrong once Nicole Kidman sew her nannie, or maid for publishing private staff from her and then Tom Cruise, afterwards I don't remember what happen but in the case of Mary, Fred and the kids it is more serius staff involve , the saftey of them I imagine the contracts and the investigation of the personal that they work for the them it is very strict. I was thinking how they maintain private all visit to the doctors not only in this case that Mary is pregnant but the kids they need to be seeing by a doctor every so often , vactinations, etc...... some blood ttests, Xrays etx...... , certenly it is a facinating life they have!

Thank you, I blush. :)

Yes, it sure is a fascinating life.
Do you know Mad magazine? With all the satirical comics?
They once had a definition of how you could grade people in regards to their status by how they were treated if they became ill.
If you are pretty far down the ladder, you are placed at the end of the queue at the doctor's office.
If you are pretty much up there, you are placed as the first in queue.
If you are really on top, the doctors queue outside your bedroom door.
- I guess the last example to a large extent is the case with royals. ;)

To be serious, the DRF have their own doctors, who function as their personal general practician. Just like the vast majority of Danes. - (That's part of the public healthcare system. Otherwise you have to pay for your appointment).
Anyway, their doctors are of course bound by their professional confidentiality in regards to their patients.
If a member of the DRF have to see a dentist, they simply make an appointment at a time where the clinic is closed or will be closed for other patients. No big deal.
Something similar applies when they need to go to a hospital. Most hospitals have countless entrances, so it's not difficult to get in and out unnoticed. In fact a relative of mine, who worked at a hospital, once almost bumped into Prince Henrik, when he was quietly leaving the hospital via a back entrance. Most likely he had been there for a check-up. (Perhaps his back).
In most cases the doctors simply go to the palace, for anything that doesn't require cumbersome or advanced equipment.

And doctors can be pretty unimpressed. QMII was told by her doctor to, and I quote: "Shut up"! when she gave birth to Frederik, I believe it was. (That story is from a biography somewhere).
Frederik apparently with his friends jumped up cheering from their heat VIP seats according to the BB article when a goal was scored.
Thanks Iceflower for the articles & pic's
Frederik apparently with his friends jumped up cheering from their heat VIP seats according to the BB article when a goal was scored.
Thanks Iceflower for the articles & pic's
Didn't we all ! ;) :) Great soccer match!
Summary of two articles in Billed Bladet #44, 2010.
Written by Ulrik Ulriksen & Trine Larsen.

Apart from a few details there really isn't much of substance in these articles.
Moving vans have been photographed unloading at the new palais. Mary herself has been observed several times in and around the newly renovated palais.
- So indications points to that they are in the process of moving in as this is written.

Plans are that the CP family will stay at Amalienborg in the winter months and at Kancellihuset during the summer months.
That means that Christian and Isabella will have 45 minuttes more on the road each day when they go to the kindergarten in Fredensborg, in contrast to barely five minuttes now, by car.
It also means it will be more of a logistical problem for Christian to take mates with him home from kindergarten or to go home with a mate, than it is now.
Ulrik Ulriksen on the other hands points out that Christian will be closer to some of his mates who are children of private friends of M&F. Most of them live in or close to Copenhagen.

Trine Larsen in har article reflects more on the fond memories Frederik has from his childhood of the new palais, which used to be occupied by Queen Ingrid and where he often stayed.
However Trine Larsen gets one thing completely wrong. She writes in her article that Frederik told Queen Ingrid (basically on her deadbed) about Mary. Frederik himself has cleary said that he did not tell her about Mary.
Read here:
Why is it that they move during winter and summer to different houses?
Why is it that they move during winter and summer to different houses?

That's old tradition in the DRF. During the summer they move out into the country, I.e. Fredensborg. During the winter they stay in the city, I.e. Amalienborg.

Even though nowadays the Regent Couple seems to have taken up almost permanent residence at Fredensborg.

If you think that's a lot of moving about, this is nothing. Up until the introduction of absolutism around 1660 the Danish kings were constantly on the move.
In fact Copenhagen didn't become a de facto capital city until late in the 1400's.
Up until then the entire government apparatus usually moved around with the king.
By 1500 the administrative system had been so large and cumbersume that it wasn't possible to by mobile anymore. But the kings themselves where on the move for almost 200 years more.
I would have thought that with the option of two residences now and Christian and Isabella happy at their little kinder in Fredensborg, that Amalienborg could/might be more of a weekender...They stay at Fredensborg during the week for the few days of kinder (How many days of the week is it anyway, 2 or 3?) and then head to Copenhagen for a few days until kinder starts again for the next week...

But seriously, I don't think 30kms/45kms is that big a deal in terms of drives, just means you have to be organised and leave earlier to arrive on time...With two stubborn toddlers and two newborns arriving soon and two working parents, that may present a whole series of morning battles in the months to come...Do Christian and Isabella's nannies ever drop them off/pick them up from kinder or is it all hands on Mary or Frederik?
Do Christian and Isabella's nannies ever drop them off/pick them up from kinder or is it all hands on Mary or Frederik?

Hmm... Not sure. Though M & F's schedule does indicate that they have to leave it to nannies on a day-to-day basis.

Another consideration pointing towards nannies being trusted with that task is security. It's never wise to be too predictable in your daily life - in case someone is gunning for you. Surely, occationally, M or F can drop off the kids - but appearing again and again at the same location at the same time is living hell on the security detail.

So I think it's usually the nannies that does it.
They stay at Fredensborg during the week for the few days of kinder (How many days of the week is it anyway, 2 or 3?) and then head to Copenhagen for a few days until kinder starts again for the next week...

Usually it is five days a week :)

Do Christian and Isabella's nannies ever drop them off/pick them up from kinder or is it all hands on Mary or Frederik?
Depending on the schedule. Sometimes Fred drives them to kindergarden by bike, sometimes by car, sometimes Mary brings them or picks them up. Sometimes the nanny brings them, and Mary or Fred pick them up, or vice versa :)
Usually it is five days a week :)

Depending on the schedule. Sometimes Fred drives them to kindergarden by bike, sometimes by car, sometimes Mary brings them or picks them up. Sometimes the nanny brings them, and Mary or Fred pick them up, or vice versa :)

So then they should treat Amalienborg as a 'weekender'...half their luck to have such a luxurious weekend retreat ;)
A new book called: Amalienborg has just been published.

I understand it consists of interviews with members of the DRF.

So far a few extracts have been made public. One with QMII, which I may deal with later.
Sover i mormors dødsværelse - TV 2 Vip

And now one where Frederik is telling about how he and Mary sleep in the same bedroom in Kancellihuset, where his grandmother (mormor) Queen Ingrid died:
- "In Kancellihuset my mormor (grandmother) went to sleep (*) in the bedroom my wife (**) and I got.
I had to think about that in the beginning, but there is a fantastic spirit in the house.
Sometimes you can feel that mormor (grandmother) has been there, when a wague scent of cigaret smoke, spiced with perfume suddenly appear.
There is nothing to be afraid of. A life has passed away and new (life) has arisen (been created), now that our children run around and have a merry time in her old room".

(*) The expression is "sov ind" = litterally: slept in. Which means that she died quietly in her bed.

(**) Using informal word for wife.

I decided to post it here, at least initially, because it provides a good insight into frederik's mindset and his relationship to his grandmother and how he deals with the loss.
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Thank you for the translation Muhler. It is very touching how close the CP was to his grandmother. It is sad she and Mary never had a chance to meet. You know she would have loved his children so much. Then seeing the joy of the birth of the twins would have just been the icing on the cake for her.
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