Muhler , you are a very knowloge person, and I am glad you are here in this forum to inform us better, between royals and celebrities it is a big difference one thing is to breach security for the royals and another thing is to tell the tabloids private gosspis about the celebrities, if I am not wrong once Nicole Kidman sew her nannie, or maid for publishing private staff from her and then Tom Cruise, afterwards I don't remember what happen but in the case of Mary, Fred and the kids it is more serius staff involve , the saftey of them I imagine the contracts and the investigation of the personal that they work for the them it is very strict. I was thinking how they maintain private all visit to the doctors not only in this case that Mary is pregnant but the kids they need to be seeing by a doctor every so often , vactinations, etc...... some blood ttests, Xrays etx...... , certenly it is a facinating life they have!
Thank you, I blush.
Yes, it sure is a fascinating life.
Do you know Mad magazine? With all the satirical comics?
They once had a definition of how you could grade people in regards to their status by how they were treated if they became ill.
If you are pretty far down the ladder, you are placed at the end of the queue at the doctor's office.
If you are pretty much up there, you are placed as the first in queue.
If you are really on top, the doctors queue outside your bedroom door.
- I guess the last example to a large extent is the case with royals.
To be serious, the DRF have their own doctors, who function as their personal general practician. Just like the vast majority of Danes. - (That's part of the public healthcare system. Otherwise you have to pay for your appointment).
Anyway, their doctors are of course bound by their professional confidentiality in regards to their patients.
If a member of the DRF have to see a dentist, they simply make an appointment at a time where the clinic is closed or will be closed for other patients. No big deal.
Something similar applies when they need to go to a hospital. Most hospitals have countless entrances, so it's not difficult to get in and out unnoticed. In fact a relative of mine, who worked at a hospital, once almost bumped into Prince Henrik, when he was quietly leaving the hospital via a back entrance. Most likely he had been there for a check-up. (Perhaps his back).
In most cases the doctors simply go to the palace, for anything that doesn't require cumbersome or advanced equipment.
And doctors can be pretty unimpressed. QMII was told by her doctor to, and I quote: "Shut up"! when she gave birth to Frederik, I believe it was. (That story is from a biography somewhere).