There was no "improvement," they just did a closer evaluation of his status and revealed it. People in the public and the press had been saying Friso was in a "coma" but there are more specific states (minimally conscious is what they called him - meaning he can breath without a machine and doesn't need a heart stimulator). There is "inconsistent" cognitive mediation of such things as breathing or moving. They appear, at times, to try and shift their bodies or breath faster when it's hot. They may shake or nod their head when spoken to (although the actual response seems random). They may be able to follow a few simple commands (such as "open your mouth" and "swallow your food.")
This is news - it clarifies what type of coma he's in, but I cannot in my heart call it good news. It must be terribly painful for the family. It is definitely better than a persistent vegetative state - but no one knows if the prognosis is really any better.
I did not know about poor prince Kardam. His injuries sound tremendously serious.
I think of them both often, and of their families - tragic.