Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg, Current Events Part 1: September 2015 -

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Nov 5, 2005

Arms of HE The Countess of Frederiksborg

Welcome to Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg's
Current Events, Part One

Commencing September 21, 2015

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In the paper edition of BB this week Countess Alexandra, who went to the Royal Theater recently, was asked about her Christmas plans with Nikolai and Felix.

She confirmed she is indeed to spend Christmas with her sons, but the further details are not clear yet. She would not rule out going abroad. Her sister lives in England with her husband. Her mother lives in Austria.
Countes Alexandra has finally been given a new coat of arms to hang at Frederiksborg.
And the old one from when she was still a princess will be removed.

There is a lot more about this in the magazine edition, which I intend to write about at some point. - But there have been Christmas lunches this weekend. :cheers:

Grevinde Alexandra har fået nyt våbenskjold | BILLED-BLADET
Okay, let's have a closer look at Alexandra's new crest.
Now, this is not my strongest point so forgive me for using wrong terms and if someone who is more in the know wish to add something, please do.

This new crest will replace the old from when she was a princess. It will also be placed in a less distinguished part of Frederiksborg Castle where all the crests with the coats of arms hang.

It has been painted by royal crest-painter Ronni Andersen.

The chain of the Order of the Elephant is retained.
On the old crest from back when she was married to Joachim, consisted of two parts, representing Joachim and Alexandra, an alliance crest. Joachim's half has now been removed and instead a horse-head has been added, referring to the Frederikborg breed of horses. Simply to provide something that refer to her title as Countess of Frederiksborg.
The traditional distinction of counts/ess three helmets with crests has also been added.
The flowers and the dragons on the shield itself, refer to Alexandra's parents. The blue Ensian is a flower growing in the Alps. Alexandra's mother is Austrian. And the dragins refer to her father's Chinese origin.

The text on the crest refer to her title and when it was bestowed.
:previous:thank you Muhler :flowers:
I find these interesting to learn about.
Vandt royal diamantkrig: Alexandra går stadig rundt med kongeligt arvesmykke til millioner

BT is here referring to an article in Se & Hør where the tiara worn and used by Alexandra is brought up.

The question is: Does Alexandra own the tiara or does she have the right to use it? That question has already been answered by the court. Alexandra owns the tiara.
QMII probably didn't imagine the marriage would end in a divorce hence the decision to present the tiara to Alexandra, while our Marie borrowed one at her wedding. So QMII has learned the article says.

The tiara is worth several million DKK.


- The whole point of the article is of course to present Alexandra in a negative light, who should have handed back the tiara, at least when she remarried. That certainly is the underlying point of the article IMO.
But it is also pointed out that Alexandra actually hasn't done anything wrong. The responsibility ultimately is QMII's.

Another IMO underlying point in the article is that the tiara will now leave the DRF for good. The DRF not having too many tiaras as it is...
Of course Nikolai or Felix will eventually inherit the tiara unless Alexandra decides to sell or something similar. There is also the option that Alexandra could testament the tiara back to the DRK, - perhaps in exchange for a suitable compensation.

In other words: Without mentioning it directly the article is IMO presenting Alexandra as pretty greedy, and as a result Marie is suffering because she is not getting a tiara of her own.
It is also a part of the changed perception of Alexandra, where she is seen as profiting a little too much from the divorce. Both in regards to the taxpayers (the apanage) and the DRF, which haven't got that many personal means as it is. Certainly not in comparison to most of their European colleagues. - So stand-by for more articles like this...
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Personally I very much doubt that Alexandra would sell the tiara and if it did ever come to that I'm sure Joachim with all the money he made from selling their marital hone, could afford to buy it off of her for the boys or to go back to the DRF. Alexandra may have already incidated privately that she will return the tiara to the RF in time, maybe it will go to one of the boys wives in time then not be an issue for Alexandra.
I would hope Alexandra doesn't decide to sell her beautiful tiara. I would also hope that if she were to decide it should return to the Danish RF, she would be gracious enough to give it back and not ask the RF to pay for it. Alexandra has been a favorite of mine, but I've been disappointed by the media stories over the last several years about her. I can say I was not happy over her relationship and marriage to Martin. I can only say that it was a gut feeling that he wouldn't be right for her. Alexandra seems to have changed drastically.
As for Marie suffering from having only one tiara, the tiara Alexandra now has in her possession was her only tiara and she didn't suffer too much.;)
:previous: Should Countess Alexandra decide to sell the Alexandrine Drop Tiara, I would hope she would give Queen Margrethe first refusal. I don't think she is obligated to return it for free as it was a wedding present to her and therefore hers to dispose of as she feels fit.

Personally, I would love to see it restored to the DRF and worn as often as possible so everyone can appreciate it's historic beauty and the sheer gorgeousness of all those drop diamonds or, to quote OOS,
"I find it so enchanting, the way the metal hoops disappear from afar so that the diamonds appear to be suspended by magic in the hair."
The glorious, almost en Tremblant effect is truly special and very rare. I really, really miss seeing this . . .
Well, of course Alexandra can dispose of the tiara however she wants, I know that and not obligated to return to the RF. I meant if she desired to return it to the RF, she can certainly set a price and make them pay for it or turn it down. I just mentioned it would be a gracious gesture if she returned the tiara without selling it back considering the Queen has been very generous to Alexandra after the divorce and in the intervening years. In consideration that she has not been treated kindly by the press in the past couple of years, asking the RF to pay for the tiara would have the press having a field commenting further on her greed and ingratitude.
I have the feeling the tiara will be passed along to her son or sons for one of their wive.
Well, of course Alexandra can dispose of the tiara however she wants, I know that and not obligated to return to the RF. I meant if she desired to return it to the RF, she can certainly set a price and make them pay for it or turn it down. I just mentioned it would be a gracious gesture if she returned the tiara without selling it back considering the Queen has been very generous to Alexandra after the divorce and in the intervening years. In consideration that she has not been treated kindly by the press in the past couple of years, asking the RF to pay for the tiara would have the press having a field commenting further on her greed and ingratitude.
I have the feeling the tiara will be passed along to her son or sons for one of their wive.

I agree.

btw, if Alexandra decides to sell the tiara back to the RF after having received it as a gift from them and this becomes public knowledge I guess then what is left of sympathy for Alexandra will be gone and it might spark another discussion on her apanage, it will reveal her as a greedy woman with no respect for the hand that still feeds her.
:previous: If, and it's a very big 'if', Alexandra sold it back I am sure there would be a mutually satisfying story on its return. Everyone would look good, everyone would be happy, and the facts would be irrelevant.
In fairness the one advantage of Alexandra getting an apanage is that she can't ever really plead poverty. Of course she could still choose to sell the tiara for extra funds but if she was still receiving her apanage at the time I'm sure it would cause a big problem for her with the public and, probably, the royal family as well.
Grevinde Alexandra åbnede Ældre Sagens nye lokaler | BILLED-BLADET

Yesterday Alexandra opened the new offices for Ældre Sagen. - Not sure how to translate that, perhaps the Old Age Cause is the most fitting.
The organization does a lot of good for elderly citizens and is IMO well worth supporting.
Their many volunteers help elderly with say IT-problems (practically all dealings with public authorities are online nowadays. Even for those who have opted to still receiving letters. And there is also the problem of staying in online-touch with family and not least grandchildren(!)) but also a visitors, entertaining or simply going for a walk. (It's good to air the elderly or they cause mischief at bedtime ;):p).
But on a political scale the organization also point out issues and problems that elderly have in relation to the odd "tanketorsk" (= thought-cod = idiotic idea) the politicians come up with.
Forbipasserende gjorde store øjne: Pludselig sad Alexandra og sang ved klaveret

Countess Alexandra, who is very fond of singing, sang for patients at Gentofte Hospital this week. - She wasn't alone though, but she did sing one song solo.
She does that every year IRRC.

Apart from that she said she does not have a sweetheart and she and the boys are fine.

A BB video with Alexandra, singing in the background: SE VIDEO: Grevinde Alexandra sang på Rigshospitalet | BILLED-BLADET

And FasterB, she says everyone knows "I Østen stiger solen op - The sun rise in the East". :D
A song hated by school-children and recruits - and choirs(?) over generations. :p
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It appears Alexandra is starting to make more public appearances again now, it's nice to see her. I'm sure the past 2-3 yrs. have been stressful enough.
Muhler, does the Danish public agree with the media stories about Alexandra being greedy with "their" money. I've read that her popularity among the public has dropped drastically, is that true? OT I've read that Joachim's popularity has dropped and he also courted controversy by selling the farm he inherited for a more than generous sum. He and Alexandra seem to both made out very well or I could be quite wrong in which case I stand corrected.
:previous: You are on the mark, Katrianna.
The issue about apanage has seriously dented Alexandra's image.
The general attitude being something like this: She's got money. She's not royal anymore and being well-educated, why doesn't she get a job?

As for Joachim. The sale of Schackenborg dented his image seriously as well. The general attitude being that he got a too good deal out of the sale of the estate.
I think people would be more kind to him, had he got out with a minor surplus. After all people have to give up their businesses every day. And perhaps moved into one of the royal estates, rather than a large villa in one of the most expensive parts of Copenhagen.
And FasterB, she says everyone knows "I Østen stiger solen op - The sun rise in the East". :D
A song hated by school-children and recruits - and choirs(?) over generations. :p
And both sentences are exactly on the spot :whistling::ROFLMAO::whistling:
Just leave out the (?) - the only edition of "I østen stiger solen op" loved by choirs is the one by Niels W. Gade from the play "Elverskud".
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #48, 2016.
Written by Trine Larsen.

As you know from reading this thread Countess Alexandra recently went to Rigshospitalet to host a communal singing. She had selected ten songs and prior to each song, she told the reasons why it had been selected.

She said: "I hope you bear with me, because I don't sing super-well, but I love to sing.
It's nice that so many have come. Thank you.
Aside from good tunes it was important to find some good lyrics, so that we can all take something with us home, something that matters. We are after all here at Rigshospitalet and sing along with patients, their families and friends.
It's no secret that the past year has been hard for me and my boys, because a divorce is never easy. Especially when one's family is spread over several countries. But in my time in Denmark I have found several wonderful friends who I today consider my family. And this song I have chosen as a tribute to them". - With a Little Help from my Friends.

"I remember the first Christmas (in DK) which was taking place at Marselisborg and going to church I didn't know the psalms.
But I also think it's lovely to sing about parsley and beers in the garden".

Talking about a song called The little Anemone, which despite a cold spring nevertheless overcome and blossom: "That's (the problems) are fortunately over. I'm really well, thank you. Both the boys and I are really well".

About being at Rigshospitalet: "It awakens really lovely memories being here. Because right here where I sang tonight, I also stood with both my lovely boys. These are so lovely memories - I remember it clearly. But there were many more people back then".
interesting move for alexandra, although it makes sense: her stipend was rather generous at almost 230k USD per year. i believe she also got a property given to her as the settlement of her divorce, so over the years i am sure she accumulated enough to live (very) comfortably anyway, even without the stipend once her kids reach adulthood.
Thanks Muhler, but that would be Prince Felix, correct?
Yes, of course. :doh:
Fixed. :)

interesting move for alexandra, although it makes sense: her stipend was rather generous at almost 230k USD per year. i believe she also got a property given to her as the settlement of her divorce, so over the years i am sure she accumulated enough to live (very) comfortably anyway, even without the stipend once her kids reach adulthood.

It's not my impression Alexandra needs to work for the rest of her life. She seems to live a pretty comfortable life from her investments, which includes the sale of a house she got for free.
Faka: Forstå reglerne om grevinde Alexandras løn - Indland

More info.

When Alexandra reach the retirement age. (I think that'll be around 67 or 68 for her year of birth) she will receive a pension which is the equivalent to a state-official/state public servant. She will get that for having been married to Joachim and for her time as princess it seems.

Such a pension is pretty generous. One of the reasons such state official jobs at least beforehand were very sought after were job-security and a good pension.

There has of course been critics out saying why didn't she save up for her pension like everybody else. But others point out that the relatively modest sum, won't cause much uproar.
Faka: Forstå reglerne om grevinde Alexandras løn - Indland

More info.

When Alexandra reach the retirement age. (I think that'll be around 67 or 68 for her year of birth) she will receive a pension which is the equivalent to a state-official/state public servant. She will get that for having been married to Joachim and for her time as princess it seems.

Such a pension is pretty generous. One of the reasons such state official jobs at least beforehand were very sought after were job-security and a good pension.

There has of course been critics out saying why didn't she save up for her pension like everybody else. But others point out that the relatively modest sum, won't cause much uproar.

I too think that is pretty generous, especially at expense of the taxpayer. What remains is the fact that it can be very lucrative to marry a prince ;)
I too think that is pretty generous, especially at expense of the taxpayer. What remains is the fact that it can be very lucrative to marry a prince ;)

Weeeeell, it does detract a liiiitle bit from the notion that Alexandra renounce the apanage because they were (in her eyes) only meant as child-support.
According to TV News tonight it was Alexandra who made the condition that she should have a pension.
So while I think it is a wise decision I'm not falling down from the chair in awe.
Weeeeell, it does detract a liiiitle bit from the notion that Alexandra renounce the apanage because they were (in her eyes) only meant as child-support.
According to TV News tonight it was Alexandra who made the condition that she should have a pension.
So while I think it is a wise decision I'm not falling down from the chair in awe.
Neither do I.
Weeeeell, it does detract a liiiitle bit from the notion that Alexandra renounce the apanage because they were (in her eyes) only meant as child-support.
Would she have made this move if there hadn't been so much public discussion about her apanage for the past few years. ;)
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