Could any Swedish speaking member be so kind and summarize the part about Victoria, Daniel and Estelle from
Året med kungafamiljen? That would be wonderful
Here are the main points about their life as a family
Victoria tells that Estelle is getting teeth: You can charm everyone with your two teeth, don’t you Estelle? And that is why they are in lack of sleep but people can manage very well with a little sleep too. Estelle has started to crawl a few weeks ago (the interview was done on 8th December) and she is very fast in that…
Both Victoria and Daniel say that the night when Estelle was born is a moment they will never forget. It was full of joy, happiness and relief that everything had gone well. Daniel says that all feelings and senses were wide open, there was a little fear and knowledge that nothing should be taken for granted. But now we have her here and it is so great.
Victoria says that Estelle is everything for them and they do everything on her terms. It is great how she is living in the moment. When she discovered her shadow, it was nice. Or snow on her nose, she first tasted snow the day before.
They were glad when they heard about the engagement of Madeleine and Chris and are waiting for the wedding. Daniel says that they have spent some time with Chris, it has been nice. Victoria adds, that in the summer in Solliden they were together. Madeleine and Chris live in New York, so they don’t meet so often, but with today’s technics it is easy to keep contact. Victoria says that they send photos of Estelle every day and Madeleine sends photos of herself (everyday, Daniel joked).
When Estelle starts to cry and Daniel takes her in his arms, he smiles: It is good that people see that you have some temperament also. Daniel jokes to the interviewer: We want to show a very harmonic child…
Victoria says that since their work is so public, they have a big need for privacy. And with Estelle they have got that privacy, they appreciate it a lot and hope that it will continue. Daniel adds that they hope that when they are skiing on their holiday, they would be left in peace. Victoria thinks that the press has been reporting about the royal family with various ways: from the joy of Estelle’s birth to the books and paintings (regarding the king). She says that during the years she has been able to build an ability to react to the press, but they are all only humans. Daniel says that they are official persons and the press has every right to question if they do something contradictory. They have a role to represent Sweden and they can be criticized if they are not doing a good work. But there is a difference to when one is charged with something that has nothing to do with the person’s job, role or the truth.
According to Victoria Estelle is a happy, open, curious and social and likes people. Daniel jokes that as new parents they probably aren't very objective: Estelle is totally unique. Victoria hopes that Estelle will always be as observing and interested as she is now. The most difficult thing has been the balancing the role as a crown princess and as a mother. It has been great to be at home with Estelle, Daniel has also been at home as much as he can, it's great to be with Estelle together. But they have their official duties and they try to organize it so that one of them could be home with Estelle. It doesn't always work though.
To the question if Daniel has a fourty-year-crisis he answers with Estelle in his arms: Can anyone have a crisis with a little one like this. It doesn’t feel so, maybe the crisis will come later.