Princess Lilian, Current Events Part 2: January 2005 - March 2013

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Heir Apparent
Mar 28, 2004
The old thread for news and pictures of Princess Lilian is now 10 pages long, so it's time for a new one. I hope one of the mods can close the old one?

Welcome everyone - to post news, pictures or ask questions on our lovely Princess Lilian, Duchess of Halland!
Princess Lilian awarding the prizes of The Royal Automobile Club's Go-Cart Cup in Stockholm on Saturday 22 January 2005:


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Here is an article from the current issue of Svensk Damtidning about Princess Lilian's favourite designer - translated by me!

”Princess Lilian wants new dresses every week”

The whole English society and half of Hollywood have gotten dressed for gala in dresses designed by Elizabeth Wondrak. At the age of 77, she has slowed down on the pace. But her friend Princess Lilian is still a steady customer.

For 56 years, she has designed gala dresses, one more beautiful than the other, and 54 of them for our own Princess Lilian. After all of the close contacts, Elizabeth Wondrak is also one of Princess Lilian’s best friends.

At least half of Hollywood and the whole English society have been dressed by Elizabeth, but these days she has slowed down on the pace – and the only one outside of the family who can dress in Wondrak-designs is Princess Lilian.
- Lilian always gives me free hands, which of course is nice – “you’re the boss”, she usually says.

But sometimes a little persuasion is demanded, like for example about the strong pink colour on the latest Nobel Banquet, Elizabeth reveals.

It is in a little fairy tale house in the middle of London’s fashionable Chelsea that Elizabeth lives and receives her famous customer. Roses climb on the façade, a stairs up to the studio – and in the middle of the comfortable mess, an absolutely adorable little dress designer. We are offered big cups of tea, the Queen’s English, and a never-ending stream of anecdotes from Elizabeth’s exciting life.

Favourite: wedding dresses
- This girl married three billionaires in a row, can you imagine, Elizabeth exclaims and holds up a picture on a striking young beauty.

The blood-red lipstick is applied with a few extra layers for the photographs, but otherwise it’s the dresses, designers and most of all her customers, that Elizabeth wants to uphold.
- The wedding dresses are absolutely the most fun to sew, at least as long as the marriage lasts!

And that also applies to what Elizabeth has designed and sewn for Princess Lilian, the wedding dress is the one she remembers best.
- Lilian was so fantastically happy to finally get to marry her Bertil, and of course then it’s extra fun to get to make the dress too. But it was a lot of work with the design, I don’t know how many times Lilian changed her mind before it was finished, Elizabeth tells.

They met through mutual friends, long before Lilian became Princess of Sweden, and in the days when Elizabeth still lived off of loans from her home.
- I called her “satin doll”, and from that day we became friends, she laughs.

Elizabeth sewed her first dress in 1948, and she hadn’t yet moved to London. She had her sewing studio in the dining room of her parent’s home, just south of London. How many dresses there has been after that is impossible to answer, only for Lilian it’s in the number of hundreds, gala dresses included!
- And if she could decide, I would have new dresses ready every week, Elizabeth laughs.

And Elizabeth works so close to Lilian, that on the middle floor of the studio, there is an exact model doll of Lilian’s figure. And among the numerous sketches, scissors and cloth samples in all colours of the rainbow, a black velvet creation is right now being made.
- Because Lilian lives in Sweden, this would’ve been impossible otherwise, but thanks to the doll, I can now try dresses on her all day long.

And despite that the designer herself, or “the little seamstress” that she so well remembers to have been called in Swedish press, has reached a mature age, she has no plans of stopping to work.
- I work every day, some days more – others less. And then Lilian calls from Sweden every now and then to stress on a bit…

Neighbours in the Riviera
Lilian and her Elizabeth have become much more than client and clothes maker during the years. Many photographs gives witness of everything from talks in confidence to happy holiday memories – not the least from the Princely couple’s beloved Villa Mirage on the Riviera. And thanks to Lilian, Elizabeth also got a little apartment in central Saint-Tropez, on the other side of the bay from the friend for herself and her family.
- If it hadn’t been for Lilian, we would never have gotten hold of it, those places never get out on the market!

Just like Lilian, Elizabeth today lives alone after her husband passed many years ago.
- Both my daughters have married Suisse men – first one, then the other followed and also she found her big love in Switzerland.

Many times Elizabeth has thought of quitting her career and totally focus on the family, but today when the daughters have their own families, she is of course happy to have the dresses to take care of.
- These days it’s the dresses that are my babies. And except for Lilian, I also make clothes to my daughters and grandchildren, the proud grandmother says.

She has only made one dress for Queen Silvia, and then she said “stop”.
- It became impossible, when I had an idea I didn’t know if I should give the dress to Lilian or Silvia!

And how Elizabeth best likes to see her friend, there is no doubt:
- Lilian is best suited in pastels and the best is pistachio green if I can decide. And most often, I can, Elizabeth says with a smile.

NOTE: Do not use these scans (courtesy of Riva) anywhere else!


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thank you for translating that article

maybe she did this dress


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Princess Lilian and Prince Carl Philip atended a Gala Dinner yesterday:


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Princess Lilian with her loved ones: Victoria and Carl Philip (it must have been ca 1992) and with Silvia, Bertil, Queen Ingrid and Carl Johan(?)

The quality of these photos are very bad, but I love how "normal" they are so I just had to post them here.
I scanned them from a larger photo of Lilian, standing infront of her desk, where these photos were standing on... thats why they´re so tiny


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Yennie :)

Thank you for taking the time to do this for us Yennie. They are lovely photographs. I grow to like Princess Lilian more and more. Everybody seems to admire her. :)
Princess Lilian with a bag featuring her beloved dog. The bad was made in London. Clip from Svensk Damtidning.

Photos from profimedia of Lilian and prince Bertil at their summer home Villa Mirage in St Maxime

Their love story was fantastic. Almost like a true fairy tale :)


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Great photos, Yennie. I had not heard of that photo agency. A great find!:)
A few days ago, Aftonbladet reported that Princess Lilian was apparently so happy and flattered by how Martin Stenmarck sang for her at Crown Princess Victoria's birthday - that she has called him personally!

Elisabeth Tarras-Wahlberg commented:
- I know that Princess Lilian has called him to thank for the nice attention.

Martin Stenmarck himself said on Victoria's birthday that "Lilian is the girl for me", and that he has always liked her.


The Aftonbladet article:,2789,675957,00.html

It looks like Princess Lilian has an admirer! :) :cool: ;)
GrandDuchess said:
A few days ago, Aftonbladet reported that Princess Lilian was apparently so happy and flattered by how Martin Stenmarck sang for her at Crown Princess Victoria's birthday - that she has called him personally!

Elisabeth Tarras-Wahlberg commented:
- I know that Princess Lilian has called him to thank for the nice attention.

Martin Stenmarck himself said on Victoria's birthday that "Lilian is the girl for me", and that he has always liked her.

The Aftonbladet article:,2789,675957,00.html

It is really wonderful photo.Thanks you for the photo, GrandDuchess.
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i hope we will some photos of lilian that has not been shown before
Of all "older" royalty, Lilian must be my favourite. She seems so sweet and fun. Even tough she´s 90 years old (almost :) ) she always seems so "young" and easy going.

This is one of my favourite photos of her. With Victoria at the opening of the parliament in september 2000(?)

photos from IBL


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Is there a video file of Princess Lilian anywhere? I'd love to hear her speak!
Wow beautiful photo and love young Princess Lilian!
Iam see photo Princess Lilian and old lady?
Jean Beaumound is cousin to Lilian,photo old lady?
I see newspaper Svenska Dagbladet Princess Lilian speak of his cousin Jean Beaumound visit to Sweden and birthday to Princess Lilians 90th.
This past Thursday, 8 September, Princess Lilian attended the Living Noble Horse Gala at the Globe Arena. She was welcomed by the entertainment industry man Robert Bronett and his wife Carla. Pictures from NewsCom.


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Princess Lilian and male winner! 2004 bilder/galleri/stockholmopen.htm


Princess Lilian and male winner 2004.
She is 89 year and beautiful!She is love old royal family.
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In the first picture with Lilian in between two men and a trophy - she seems to have a sticking plaster on her forehead. I hope she's alright - elderly people tend to fall down or walk into things alot. She's a tough cookie though.

I was hoping that the Brits would do something for her birthday but they didn't. :(
Today Princess Lilian received the Voluntary Shooting Movement’s Merit Medal (The Bernadotte Medal) for her services to the voluntary shooting movement. The medal was awarded to her in Prince Bertil's Study at the Royal Palace of Stockholm by the Chairman, Henrik von Vegesack, and the Secretary General, Steve Gunnarsson. Picture from the Royal Court's website.


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Today, Saturday 12 November, Princess Lilian traditionally opened the Christmas Bazaar in the English Anglican Church in Stockholm. She was accompanied, as usual, by her Court Marshal, Baroness Elisabeth Palmstierna.

A selection of the pictures at Imagine Scandinavia.


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A while ago, Princess Lilian was a guest at the Spanish Embassy as the Spanish Ambassador to Sweden, His Excellency Ambassador Javier Garrigues, held a tapas party for his friends.

Here is a picture of Princess Lilian with the host, scanned by me from Svensk Damtidning.

I love to see her -- she is so adorable!
It is first photo pages Princess Lilian and baroness Elisabeth Palmstierna. Princess Lilian is young lady 90 year and Baroness Elisabeth Palmstierna is 88 year. Princess Lilian is beautiful young!
Here is a picture of Princess Lilian on 16 October as she awarded the trophy of the Stockholm Open ATP tournament in the Royal Tennis Hall in Stockholm. This year's winner was the sixth-seeded American James Blake.

Picture from Buzzfans.


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Summary of an Expressen article today:

When Princess Lilian returned from the Salvation Army’s Christmas concert last night, she found her house Villa Solbacken on Royal Djurgården surrounded by police and the road cut off by them too. Five police patrols including the regional police wagon was there as she arrived after nine in the evening. They searched her house and accompanied to her house. The alarm had gone off and a suspected burglary was the scenario. The alarm turned out to be false though (thank God), but the police had already searched the house when it turned out that one of Princess Lilian’s employees had triggered the alarm by mistake as she was about to go home. One error in the police operation occurred; they did not contact a special contact person to inquire on Princess Lilian’s whereabouts during the event – something that is required by their security routines.

The original & full article (in Swedish) can be found here.
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