Prince Maurits, Princess Marilène and Family, Current Events Part 2 (June 2006 - )

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Prince Maurits launched a new online supermarket on thursday:

Prins Maurits lanceert onlinesupermarkt - Royalty Online

I have no idea why, I thought the RF stayed out of such commercial things. The supermarket uses electronic cars so perhaps that is a link to the prince (as he promotes the use of these cars).

Prince Maurits and Princess Marilène attended the preview of the international art fair TEFAF in Maastricht yesterday, March 10:

** Pic **
HH Princess Marilène will switch jobs as she leaves the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam in August after 11 years in which she,a.o.,initiated the Museum's very successfull Friends organisation.

The Princess will start at the BankGiro Lotery in September in her function as Adviser Partnerships.

The Museum is very sorry to see her go but wish her al the succes!:)
"Prince Maurits visits the helmstand of the Dutch naval ship 'HNLMS Holland' in Chatham, in Kent, southern Britain, 08 June 2017, as part of the 350 years commemoration of the Battle of Medway on the river Medway near Rochester, Kent, southern England. The Battle of Medway took place in June 1667 when a Dutch fleet sailed up the river Medway and caught the English navy ships off guard resulting in one of the greatest disasters in English naval history.
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500.500,- Euros for 110 square meters??!! That is a price that it would fetch during the crisis. Perhaps the article only states what Pss Marilene paid and not her sister's share? These days you only get something in the outer outskirts for that size & price. From the architecture it looks like the place is actually in Amsterdam-Zuid (area near the Apollolaan maybe?), not a cheap area.

An investment and perhaps a place for studying children seems likely indeed. Lucky neighbours!
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Its a very spacious apartment especially the living room ,the kitchen could do with modernizing ;)
500.500,- Euros for 110 square meters??!! That is a price that it would fetch during the crisis. Perhaps the article only states what Pss Marilene paid and not her sister's share? These days you only get something in the outer outskirts for that size & price. From the architecture it looks like the place is actually in Amsterdam-Zuid (area near the Apollolaan maybe?), not a cheap area.

An investment and perhaps a place for studying children seems likely indeed. Lucky neighbours!

To be fair, 110 square metres sounds like a normal appartment to me. A flat in the Bijlmermeer area is more or less the same size. The sum of 500.500 Euros voor just 110 square metres is beyond ridiculous.
Welcome to the Randstad housing market. You pay a lot of money and get sh.t in return.
It was really a nice event. Wonderful to see Princess Marilene, such a nice person! Made a couple of photos and videos my self.
I know that in the Netherlands it is the custom for Catholics to wear their wedding ring on the left hand and for Protestants to wear them on the right hand, but I notice that Prince Maurits, brought up as Protestant, wears his on his left hand. As his wife and children are Catholics I wonder if he has converted to Catholicism. Does anyone know?

On August 26 Prince Maurits as Patron together with the Mayor of Amsterdam kicked off the preparations for the 10th edition of SAIL AMSTERDAM that will take place in 2020:

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Prince Maurits gave an interview to the local Amsterdam television channel AT5.

He insists that the interviewer uses the informar 'je' over the formal 'u'.

The show is ambout Amsterdam and his connection to the city, which is why he agreed to do the interview. He doe snot want to talk about his family, as he does not like to talk about other people.

Kings Day: he has never celebrated it in AMsterdam and he does not mind that. He does not like to be big crowds.

Why did he settle in Amsterdam: after his study in Groningen he left in 1994. Where to go? His work took him to Amsterdam. He first lived with a friend, later with his brother and then with his wife.

He does not see why he would actively look for a more public role. He like sthat he is less in the media and does nto why he should do it otherwise. This way he can focus on his own life, his work, making money to pay the bills. This way his children can also move freely through life and do what they want to do. He says that he never asked for the attention that he received at the beginning of his marriage. It was there because he was the first to get married and because of Marilene's beauty - he quips. When they could move away they did, also for the children, who do not have a title, are not a member of anything and who will need to make their own lives.

They mention the gossip magazines. He says that they imagine a lot, but that the reality is that he has been together with his wife for 30 years, they have 3 healthy children and that they have a good life together. He understand the commercial role of these magazines, so he has no illusions that such stories will stop. You should just not read it. Some people he knows do take it seriously and start calling him to ask if all is all right.

They talk about SAIL Amsterdam. Focus on other charities.

He talks about being an entrepeneur in Amsterdam, he works for the company SunRock, which is active with solar energy in Amsterdam and abroad. He mentions that there can be a lot of problems in the Netherlands due to several laws, it is easier to invest abroad. He continues with various aspects on the issue of solar energy in Amsterdam.

The interviewer asks if it is easier to be an entrepeneur with a last name as his? The prince says that it is not the first time he received this question. The answer is yes and no. Some people will indeed answer quicker, others do the opposite. There will be a lot of preconceptions that you can not take away. It is 50-50 and the last years it is something that people feel negatively. The days are gone that people would be impressed by a phone call. In the end it does not matter what you name is, you need to do what you promise.

COVID: he was in bed with a strong fever for two weeks. By now he had it 3 times.
It was very different for his children, who are in their late teens/ early 20ties and they felt the lack of social interaction much stronger. For M&M it was interesting to have the eldest children back in the house, they were together again, which was special.

What is happiness: he becomes emotional and struggles to fight the tears. Being together, the fact that your children are healthy, having a good life together and being aware of that. We have friends who do not have that, who are divorced, where it was just a lot of misery. It makes you realise that hapiness is not far away, it isn't in an expensive car. But in things like health, being together, etc. They always realised this and they did not do some things because they were aware of this fact -> that way later on you will not think 'we were never there'. He realises that it is important to be there, and he has seen cases where things went differently. He apologises for being emotional. He refers to peopl ein their group of friends that passed away, or had children that passed away. It moves him greatly but he does not =want to talk more about it.

Children studying abroad: if they want it they should do it. They are not mine, it is their life. You always have to let them go.
Thank you very much for sharing such a nice interview.

I love that he knows what is truly important in life. No doubt their kids are well adjusted and happy because of it!
Prince Maurits comes over as a very sensitive soul, and not afraid to show his emotions.
Had somehow missed this interview completely. The comments below the interview are almost all positive, which wouldn't be the case for his brother. So, very well done by the sympathetic prince.
Eldest daughter Anna completed her Honours Program at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (the same university where her parents studied) last summer. So, she must be a bright student, otherwise she would not have been admitted to this program. Her Bachelor is in International Business and she did a minor in Development studies.

She has a part-time job as Hostess/Waitress at Café De Sigaar
Previously she worked part-time as Global Volunteer Product Manager and National Programs Manager, later on as Team Leader at AIESEC (see: Anna van Lippe-Biesterfeld on LinkedIn: Dear network, This winter, I have finished my one-year—term as Product… - seems to be a volunteer position).

See LinkedIn: Anna van Lippe-Biesterfeld - Café De Sigaar | LinkedIn

Her brother Lucas is still in the military (after completing het Amsterdams Lyceum in 2020).

He was involved with several previous editions too. The 2020 SAIL was cancelled due to COVID, so it is nice to see it return to Amsterdam.
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