Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik, Current Events 3: August 2010 - January 2013

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Jan 29, 2005
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Welcome to Part 5 of the thread for the current events of Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik!

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Originally Posted by H.M. Margrethe
What makes you think that the late Countess Ruth was a member of the royal family ?
She was cloes friends with Queen Margrethe and the Queen attend the funeral together with Queen Sonja,CP Haakon and Princess Martha Louise of Norway..

Wasn´t she? I thought all the Rosenborgs were distant relatives? And Ruth WAS living on the Fredensborg estate!"

Well the Rosenborgs are only distant relatives like Count Ingolf and his brother count Christian (cusines to Queen Margrethe, Princesse Benedikte and Queen Anne-marie of Greece) they are borned Princes but when they marriede they lorst their titel as Prince and became Count of Rosenborg..
Just like Countess Ruths husband "first" Prince Flemming and later "Count" Flemming of Rosenborg. The Count was when he was a child living at Bernstoff Palas with his siblings and parrents.
So neither Count Flemming and Countess Ruth has never been living at Fredensborg Palace or the estat.

According to the following finding Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik are
in France at the moment. The pic dated August 23 shows them at a
charity concert at the Chateau de Caix.

** Pic **

Thanks, Marika86! The Aarhus Festival 2010 takes place from August 27
till September 5, this year's theme is "neighbours" and music, dance, plays,
sports, special events for children will fill that out. As usual Queen Margrethe
attended as patroness, opening the event with the very accurate remark
"You do not get a better neighbour than you are." :)

Another nice pic!

And here's the article the above posted pics are from:

** jp.dk: »Man får ikke en bedre nabo ...« **

Prince Henrik on his solo trip to Shanghai:

Prince Henrik visits the Northern Europe Navigation Mark Pavilion at
Expo site on August 27, 2010 in Shanghai, China.

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 **

Prince Henrik was honored for his participation at the Silver Cup by
the major of Arcachon in Arcachon, France, September 2nd, 2010.

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 ** Pic 4 **

Prince Henrik participated in the 2010 Royal Dragon Silver Cup hosted by the
Royal Danish Yacht Club in the Arcachon Bay, southwestern France on Sep.
3rd, 2010. The regatta was created by the prince in 1991 for 8 metre 'Dragon'
sailboats. The race takes place in a different country each year.

Pic 2 makes me laugh, looks like Henrik was sitting in his bathtub instead of a

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** [URL="http://i52.tinypic.com/2ryhs2x.jpg"]Pic 3[/URL] ** Pic 4 ** Pic 5 ** Pic 6 ** Pic 7 **
He certainly looks like he is the captain of his bathtub :D

Here's another article about the memorial service in Køge Queen Margrethe
and Prince Henrik attended. The short text next to the picture gallery
stresses how well received Prince Henrik was (next to the Queen who
always is ;)).

** BB: Prins Henrik tiljublet i Køge **
Thank you, Iceflower :flowers:

Summary of article in Billed Bladet #40, 2010.
Købte blomster til Dronningen - Bought flowers for the Queen.
Written by Annelise Weimann.

The Regent Couple went to the town of Køge, to commemorate the Battle of Køge Bay, in 1710, between DK and Sweden. (*)
At Køge Bay the Danish flagship, Dannebroge (**) which blew up during the battle at the cost of 600 hundred lives. (***)
The Regent Couple arrived at Køge townhall and here an unofficial flowergirl, in the shape of twelve year old Cecilie Altenburg was waiting. She had from her own money bought a bouquet of flowers for QMII. That so delighted Queen Margrethe, that she carried the bouquet from the townhall to Køge Church, where the was a service in memory of the battle 300 years ago.
Cecilie told our reporter afterwards: "I bought them myself for my pocket allowance, because I like the Queen so much". She had also bought a bouquet for Mary in March, but the article does not mention whether she got the opportunity to give it to Mary.

Before all that wreaths had been laid at the harbour in honor of the fallen sailors. Representatives of the Danish, the Norwegian (****) and the Swedish navies were also present.

Prince Henrik, wearing the full dress uniform of an admiral in the navy. While walking through Køge town, a mature gentleman gave Henrik a friendly pad on the shoulder. Henrik returned the compliment by tapping the gentleman's cap.

(*) That took place during the Great Nordic War, which ended Swedens status as a major European power.
The roughly 80 years of nearly continous warfare Sweden had been involved in since then, had decimated the male population and while the nobillity grew rich from the spoils of the wars of the period, the same thing certainly cannot be said about the rest of the population.
The Swedish armies of the period relied primarily on Swedish nationals, rather than professional mercenaries. That meant that the Swedish armies, at least initially, were much more reliable, felt a stronger allegiance towards their own king and where cheaper, than comperable European armies.
The price was thousands upon thousands of able bodied Swedish men being sucked into the army. Most never returned home.
Not to metion the ever increasing taxes to fund such an army.
Sweden was simply not rich enough to afford that in the long run.
The fame of the Swedish "warrior kings" came at a hefty price.

(**) Old spelling. The modern spelling is Dannebrog.

(***) To put that into perspective. 600 was the adult population of a average small town in DK in 1710. A serious loss.

(****) Norway was back then in union (rigsfællesskab) with Denmark. In reality Norway was a part of Denmark and had been so for several hundred years. But many Norwegians naturally served in the navy and also among those killed onboard Dannebroge.
October 8, 2010
The royal couple hold an official lunch for HE Mongolian President and Mrs. Bolormaa Khajidsuren attended by HRH the Crown Prince of Christian VII's Palace, Amalienborg, at. 13.00.

October 11, 2010
HM The Queen
hold an official dinner for HE President of Ireland and Dr. Martin McAleese at Fredensborg Palace at 19.30.
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Well I never expected this, thought it said Iceland at first.

Didn't Prince Frederik visit Mongolia sometime this year or last?
Two day visits, wish they were State Visits.
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Pity that Joachim &/or Marie aren't even making it. It would be nice to have some other family member with the Queen at such events.
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Okay this is Zonk being Zonkers but....what's up with the Queen carrying her purse with her to greet her guests? Does she think someone is going take it?

I do love that color on the Queen, but I wish she would let her hair down so to speak.
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Okay this is Zonk being Zonkers but....what's up with the Queen carrying her purse with her to greet her guests? Does she think someone is going take it?

Probably to have easy and swift access to a cigaret ;)
Queen Margrethe of Denmark at the opening of an exhibition on her own lifelong interest for archaeology at National Museum of Denmark in central Copenhagen, Denmark, 08 October 2010. The exhibition runs from 09 October 2010 to 27 February 2011 (ANP)

ImageBam - Fast, Free Image Hosting and Photo Sharing
Ireland's President Mary McAleese and her husband, Martin McAleese pose for a picture with Danish Queen Margrethe at the Fredensborg Palace. October 11, 2010

Pic 1 * Pic 2
Both women looked lovely and it is a pity that more members of the Royal Family were unable to attend.
Yes. I thought in events such as these, more members of the DRF attend - not even Prince Henrik was there as the Queen's consort. Maybe because it was an official visit and not a full state visit?:flowers:
Yes. I thought in events such as these, more members of the DRF attend - not even Prince Henrik was there as the Queen's consort. Maybe because it was an official visit and not a full state visit?:flowers:


The Danish government, represented by the Danish Prime Minister, hosted the Irish President during this official visit.
The Irish President is however according to the diplomatic protocol obliged to drop by QMII to say hi. And as he is head of state he can expect to be treated to more than a cup of coffee and a bisquit.

At a state visit, the Danish head of state, i.e. QMII is the host.

In short: Official visit = work visit, dealing mainly with the relations
between two governments.
There is a lot more emphasis on politics and business during an official visit.

State visit = all flags flying, focusing on cementing or improving the relations between two countries.
The head of state act as a front figure, while the business part is kept in the background.

Today, October 13, Queen Margrethe has visited the Arthritis Association's Center for
Weight and Health - Arthritis Hospital in Skælskør. According to the article below she
did so for several reasons: the Queen is patron of the Arthritis Foundation, the Arthritis
Society still had a present for her 70th birthday, Margrethe had to hand over the Queen
Ingrid's Research Prize and had not yet seen the centre's major rebuilding and extension
and as the site had celebrated it's 75 birthday last year, but had been under construction
at that time, that had also to be celebrated. So a full programme :)

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 ** article sn.dk ** gallery sn.dk **

Many nice pics can also be found here: ** dinby.dk: En dronning kom forbi **
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