Engagement of Prince Albert II to Miss Charlene Wittstock

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Aug 21, 2005
Somewhere in
United States
It looks like its official folks!

Albert is engaged to Charlene!
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Je confirme . SAS le Prince Albert de Monaco s'est fiancé à Charlène.

The French authorities were formally informed by the Prince of Monaco.

The info sites announce the engagement of Charlene and Albert !!!!!

I am so happy for them !
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I'm glad we have another royal wedding to look forward to now that V&D just finished their celebrations. I guess things will probably change with the line of succession then? If he ends up having legitimate children, it would make a huge difference for Caroline's kids who would no longer be expected to rule.
At which official site is the engagement announced?
What a ring! Congratulations to the happy couple (it was about time...)! :flowers: I am glad they waited with the announcement after Victoria and Daniel's wedding.

I am very happy for them!
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It's about time but after Charlene's presence at the swedish royal wedding, not unexpected anymore!!

What a rock! :eek: Congratulations to the happy couple. I wish them happiness for the future. I know I'm being Captain Buzzkill at such a happy time but I still don't like her. But if she makes Albert happy (she obviously does) then I wish them the best for the future. And I love a good royal wedding. :cool:
Not a big surprise considering she was at Victorias and Daniels Wedding.

I'm happy for them and wish them all the best.
IMO the Royal guests were already in the known last week !
I am so very glad and the pic is wonderful !
IMO the Royal guests were already in the known last week !
I am so very glad and the pic is wonderful !

Agree - I think they were in the know as well. Congratulations to them both - finally the wait is over:flowers:
monegasque official site
still no mention, but last news is from 2nd June so probably we will see official statement later

Congratulation to them :flowers:
Wonderful picture, the ring is impressive :D
Congratulation! I'm happy for them.

But I think Wills and Kate should send a "thank you"-letter to Monaco, because Albert and Charlene took a lot of pressure from them. :lol: Now everyone is happy about and busy with this wedding and Wills and Katie have a little more time for their big announcement. Because let's face it: Everyone was expecting those two to be the next royal wedding couple. ;)
Did you see Albert singing "I can´t help falling in love" with whole his heart at the concert before Victoria´s and Daniel´s wedding?
Maybe the romantic weekend gave Albert courage to the decision. Great, another royal wedding to come, though it can´t be as lovely as the swedish one, at least to me ...
But congratulations to the couple!
Congrats to the couple. Finally he proposed. That is one lovely big ring on her finger.
Well it is about time but still Was expecting it after her brought her to the wedding but not this soon A royal wedding in Monaco , Lovely Photo and Wow what a ring Congrats

What a great news!!! Another beautiful wedding soon!
Well, at the end we've got the new!! Congratulations to both of them.
It is my personal opinion but CHarlene will have to work veeeeery hard to get the heritage of an icon as Princess Grace was . I wish I could be denied , but I feel she's unfit for such role .
Anyway, best luck happy couple!!
Has this been confirmed by the Palace they just talked about it on Cnn but just said according to French News paper.
I predicted it astrologically a couple of years ago on another forum and was bashed.Congratulations to the couple and if Miss Wittsock needs a stylist I am available.From wedding gown to trousseau.God Bless the two of you
The website of the Princerly Family of Monaco is difficult to reach at the moment.
Congratulations to the couple!!! I never thought that Charlene was THE adequate, but on the other side, bravo to her patiente and courage, she has been waiting for a very long time.

This I hope will be encouraging for Kate Middleton!! I hope that William will take his decision finally.
IMO she was invited to the wedding as a fiancee, now I can understand why she was next to Mary and Frederick in the church.
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