Princely Family of Monaco: Current Events 3 : May 2007 - Aug.2007

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Aug 21, 2005
Somewhere in
United States
Welcome to the Princely Family of Monaco: Current Events thread, Part 3. The old thread can be found here .

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Another picture gallery from

Master Photo Milano - Servizi 2007

Albert II of Monaco and princess Caroline of Hanovre attending the 40th international contest of bunches of flowers and the 10th salon of " Dreaming on the gardens". Princess Caroline was offered " Garden Club de Monaco " roses by Meilland International, in memory for the 25th anniversary of the death of Princess Grace of Monaco.
Where is Stephanie? It seems like she is never involved in such activities.
it is great to see Stephanie out and looking so great. she must have a very happy life.
Her hair has grown quite a bit. I just heard the fireworks. And yes I think she looks good. Though the decollete is a bit low, but i guess that is just Steph. ;)
enjoy the fireworks. I hope you have a clear view of them. And I'm glad that Albert took Stephanie
maryellen1539 said:
enjoy the fireworks. I hope you have a clear view of them. And I'm glad that Albert took Stephanie
Maybe Stephanie decided herself to come. But yes I am glad he is with Stephanie but not the other one.
Show "Tenue de soirée" on French television 2 june 2007


On Saturday 2 june 2007,
pass an emission on France 2, an emission "Evening dress" on line of the room of stars of Sporting Assembles-Carlo, will be presented by Michel Drucker whose two large guests are Albert II of Monaco and Stéphanie of Monaco

this emission was recorded Thursday 31 may in evening and was repeated Saturday.

a homage for Grace Kelly is envisaged.:wub:

If he would have taken Charlene he would have had to answer questions all evening about her and speculation would have reached another high. He can't efford that right now. I am surprised that Caro wasn't there as she was in the original announcement I believe. I think they also said that Brian ferry was to be expected.
paca said:
If he would have taken Charlene he would have had to answer questions all evening about her and speculation would have reached another high. He can't efford that right now. I am surprised that Caro wasn't there as she was in the original announcement I believe. I think they also said that Brian ferry was to be expected.
Why would there be any more speculation at this event than at the auto club ball? Is it because she has such interest in fast cars, hence the Audi sponsorship, that it is understandable that she attends the Grand Prix and the ball? But I have heard that she has more knowledge of movies than cars so why couldn't he take her to a TV festival? Oooo, what a shame. She is probably sulking home alone in the big empty palace. Poor thing!
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maryellen1539 said:
enjoy the fireworks. I hope you have a clear view of them. And I'm glad that Albert took Stephanie
Yes I do have a clear view, but I hear them all summer whenever there is sth at the sportingclub, so it is more annoying background noise, especially since it is enhanced by the buildings :D Living here really puts you off fireworks after a while. I only watch the big ones nowadays and even those only occasionally. To me it has become a lot of noise and a lot of wasted money that could have been put to better use. and it is mostly the same stuff. it is rare that they have an unusual combination or effect. And since the chinese almost blasted Monaco with theirs, they are no longer doing their experiments here, but who knows maybe Albert renewed the contact on his last journey :lol:
Donna said:
Why would there be any more speculation at this event than at the auto club ball. Is it because she has such interest in fast cars that it is understandable that she attends the Grand Prix and the ball? But I have heard that she has more knowledge of movies than cars so why couldn't he take her to a TV festival? Oooo, what a shame. She is probably sulking home alone in the big empty palace. Poor thing!
it's not a TV festival, just a taping of a TV show if I am not mistaken. If you take someone to a TV show then there is usually a reason, but when you take someone to a dinner that can be just that:dinner. Besides it is a French TV show and she doesn't speak french well enough....
michelle said:
Some more pictures:

Thanks for the pics. looks like it was an all black evening.:D I like the first pic of Steph.
paca said:
it's not a TV festival, just a taping of a TV show if I am not mistaken. If you take someone to a TV show then there is usually a reason, but when you take someone to a dinner that can be just that:dinner. Besides it is a French TV show and she doesn't speak french well enough....
If it's a private dinner, yes. If you take someone to a public dinner (red cross ball, GP dinner) or any public event you're officially attending, no. Albert is attending these events as sovereign prince of Monaco. Not as plain old simple Albert Grimaldi.
Ghislaine said:
If it's a private dinner, yes. If you take someone to a public dinner (red cross ball, GP dinner) or any public event you're officially attending, no. Albert is attending these events as sovereign prince of Monaco. Not as plain old simple Albert Grimaldi.
yes, but taking her to a tv show would be like he wanted to announce sth, don't you think? You don't go on TV, especially as a head of state, unless you want to sell sth to the public...
paca said:
Her hair has grown quite a bit. I just heard the fireworks. And yes I think she looks good. Though the decollete is a bit low, but i guess that is just Steph. ;)

I like Steph with longer hair. It gives her a softer, younger look! yep, and I agree about the decollete..Just a tad too much..:)
Beautiful pics

lckc571 said:

On Saturday 2 june 2007,
pass an emission on France 2, an emission "Evening dress" on line of the room of stars of Sporting Assembles-Carlo, will be presented by Michel Drucker whose two large guests are Albert II of Monaco and Stéphanie of Monaco

this emission was recorded Thursday 31 may in evening and was repeated Saturday.

a homage for Grace Kelly is envisaged.:wub:

Thanks for the beautiful pics lckc571.If an homage to Grace Kelly is to be envisaged why drag Princess Stephanie out for whom there may still be areas of emotional chiaroscuro? I know these areas would exist for me if I was her. I have nothing but admiration for her in doing this for any reason.She has great dignity and her presence inthe tribute is indeed the ultimate homage.
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here an article to "Groupe NiceMatin" Monaco. Groupe NICE-MATIN

Albert II Monaco, Stéphanie and Michel Drucker.

ImageShack - Hosting :: tenuedesoire1xi2.png

here the legend : "one recorded yesterday evening with the sporting, in the presence of the prince Albert and of the Princess Stéphanie, the emission "Evening dress" animated by Michel Drucker, which will be diffused on France 2 tomorrow. "

ImageShack - Hosting :: tenuedesoire2zf4.png

« Tenue de Soirée » pour la salle aux étoiles

« On arrête l’aspirateur. Sortez du champ de la junior double tête. On fait un PBO avec Monsieur Charles Aznavour. »
Ok. La seule chose qu’on retient c’est que Charles Aznavour va chanter. Parfait, « Hier encore », on adore. On se trouve en fait sur le plateau de l’émission Tenue de Soirée, présentée par Michel Drucker, qui squatte depuis deux jours la salle aux Etoiles du Sporting.
Répétition générale au programme de la journée d’hier avant l’enregistrement qui débutait à « 20 h 54, pas une minute de plus. C’est pour le raccord lumière de la dif’ de samedi », éclaircit Dominique Thauvin, directrice de production. Comprenez que l’émission ne sera diffusée que samedi sur France 2, et qu’il est nécessaire que la lumière soit la même pour la prise d’antenne. Logique.

« un accueil royal ! »

Michel (Drucker, mais tout le monde l’appelle Michel !) est en tenue décontractée et accueille les invités qui défilent sur la scène afin d’ajuster son et lumière. Petit concert privé donc, de Florent Pagny, qui a interprété « A tout peser », son dernier tube, et le retentissant Caruso, qui a fait dresser les poils des 150 techniciens présents.
Puis arrive Ayo, la chanteuse sud-africaine qu’on n’imaginait pas aussi grande. L’ambiance sur scène reste détendue. Côté technique, la pression monte. « C’est la dernière ligne droite. Tout doit être prêt pour 18 h 30. Mais on est plus tranquille que sur les autres émissions car l’habitude on a tout le studio à monter. Là c’est beaucoup plus simple et puis c’est la dernière de la saison et on est ravi que ça se passe ici. L’accueil a été royal ! », confie Dominique Thauvin, sans mauvais jeu de mots. L’émission, elle, sera princière, avec le souverain Albert II et sa sœur la Princesse Stéphanie. Une journaliste, envoyée spéciales d’Allemagne, s’enthousiasme : « C’est beau comme un bal monégasque ! »

Anne-Claire Hillion

Légende photo

Charles aznavour en plein test « son et lumière », interprétera entre autre « hier encore » pour rendre hommage à son ami Jean-Claude Brialy, décédé mercredi.

"Evening dress" for the room with stars

"One stops the vacuum cleaner. Leave the field of the junior doubles head. One makes a PBO with Mr Charles Aznavour. " Ok. The only thing which one retains it is that Charles Aznavour will sing. Perfect, "As lately as yesterday (Hier encore)", one adores. One is in fact on the plate of the emission Evening dress, presented by Michel Drucker, who squatte since two days the room with Stars of Sporting.

General repetition with the program of the day of yesterday before the recording which began to "20. 54, not a minute more. It is for the connection light of the “dif'” (diffusion ) of Saturday ", clears up Domenica Thauvin, director of production. Understand that the emission will be diffused only Saturday on France 2, and that it is necessary that the light is the same one for the catch of antenna. Logic.

"a royal reception! "

Michel (Drucker, but everyone calls him Michel!) is in relaxed behaviour and accommodates the guests who ravel on the scene in order to adjust sounds and light. Small private concert thus, of Florent Pagny, who interpreted "all to weigh"(« A tout peser »,), his last tube, and resounding it Caruso, which made draw up the hairs of the 150 technicians present.

Then arrives Ayo, the South-African singer that one did not imagine also large. Environment on scene remains slackened. Technical side, the pressure assembles "It is the last straight line. All must be ready for 6 p.m. 30.
But one is quieter than on the other emissions because the practice one has all the studio to go up. There it is much simpler and then it is the last of the season and one is charmed that that occurs here. The reception was royal! ", Domenica Thauvin entrusts, without bad pun.

The emission, it, will be princely, with the sovereign Albert II and his sister the Stéphanie Princess. A journalist, sent special of Germany, is filled with enthusiasm: "It is beautiful like a ball Monegasque! "

Anne-Claire Hillion

Legend of photo

Charles aznavour in full test "sounds and light", will interpret amongst other things "as lately as yesterday" to pay homage to his friend Jean-Claude Brialy, deceased Wednesday.

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paca said:
yes, but taking her to a tv show would be like he wanted to announce sth, don't you think? You don't go on TV, especially as a head of state, unless you want to sell sth to the public...
He is obviously trying to sell that girl to the public so why not take her along to everything so she stops sticking out like a sore thumb and starts becoming one of his usual entourage. Perhaps dress her in black so her enormous size is not quite so overwhelming and cover her shoulders, please, with something that fits, preferably. Too bad he always looks so annoyed beside her. But as soon as they are married they can make separate appearings and don't have to annoy each other as much.
Lets stay on topic.

This thread is about the Current Events of the Princely Family and since Charlene is not a member of the family, all posts discussing why she is not in attendance or should be will be deleted going forward.
michelle said:
Photo Update

Steph really looks great... and I'm a little sad Caro wasn't with them...
I thought all three were supposed to be there. I thought I read that some where. I guess not.
Stephanie looks amazing she let her hair grow out a little love the all black thanks for all the pics Albert looks great also but I thought Caro was going to be their also but still Steph looks Great
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