Audiences with the Grand Duke and Duchess

  June 22, 2009 at 4:20 pm by

The Grand Duke this week has held three audiences, the first of which, on Tuesday, was with the Prime Minister of the Ukraine, Yulia Timochenko.

View the image at Cour Grand-Ducale

He then recieved on Friday the recipients of the Order of Adolphe, a chivalric order officially known as the Ordre du Mérite Civil et Militaire d’Adolphe de Nassau that was originally created for members of the Duchy of Nassau, and has now passed on to the Duke’s successor territory, Luxembourg. The award recognises those who have “performed meritorious actions or heroic deeds in the name of Luxembourg.

The Grand Duke also recieved on Friday, along with the Grand Duchess, the tourist guides of the Luxembourg City Tourist Office who will be accompanying visitors around the Grand-Ducal Palace during its summer opening.

For more information, please see this thread.

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