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  1. D

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to Step Back as Senior Royals: January 2020

    Prince Charles sells Duchy Organics in Waitrose. The Queen sells official royal items in RCT. The Cambridges trademarked on the same day as the Sussexes.
  2. D

    General News about the Sussex Family, Part One: May 2019 - March 2020

    Rare decent article from that publication. The extravagant home that the usual corrupt press describe, seems more like a comfortable home albeit located in a grand area. “The Crown needed to renovate the decaying Frogmore”, whether the Sussexes lived there or not, yet all the ridiculous hysteria...
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    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to Step Back as Senior Royals: January 2020

    The Daily Mail Group is being sued for dishonesty. It’s disgusting that tabloid is allowed to continue to spread false info about the Sussexes. All the campaigns against bullying are meaningless, it’s Heartbreaking that no one will help the Sussexes fight against press abuse!
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    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to Step Back as Senior Royals: January 2020

    On the evening news, ITV journalist Tom Bradby said Harry & Meghan were not going to be part of a slimmed down monarchy.
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    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to Step Back as Senior Royals: January 2020

    If they come, I’ll happily buy them, add to all of the official Royal brand items I’ve purchased over many years from the Royal Collection Trust Shops. It’s so disappointing how terribly Harry & Meghan have been treated. Absolutely disgusting behaviour by some, leaking details to tabloids &...
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    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to Step Back as Senior Royals: January 2020

    I don’t care what age a person is, I think it is terrible to proudly & publicly support a family member associated with a convicted paedophile while showing no support for others struggling from being bullied non-stop. It makes sense & I completely understand why the Sussexes made the...
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    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to Step Back as Senior Royals: January 2020

    Shameful behaviour by members of the palaces. How awful that Harry & Meghan are continuously put in a position where they cannot trust those who should be supportive. They were told to put their proposal down on a paper & as soon as they did the information was leaked. There needs to be massive...
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    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to Step Back as Senior Royals: January 2020

    Harry & Meghan have presented themselves as a wonderful team. Harry recently spoke out about protecting his family. I’ll happily take Harry’s word over others quoting unknown sources or supposed unprofessional staff leaking info to unethical press.
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    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to Step Back as Senior Royals: January 2020

    Prince Harry is currently suing the Mirror & Sun so those ‘legal reasons’ could also be tabloid fodder?
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    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to Step Back as Senior Royals: January 2020

    Just a few weeks ago, Wootton & the Sun claimed Harry & Meghan were in the US, when they were in Canada. Not sure why anyone would believe all that nonsense from a reporter associated with terrible past conduct, just based on 1 scoop.. I also saw the press reviews, no surprise, typical of those...
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    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to Step Back as Senior Royals: January 2020

    As a longtime monarchist, I fully support Harry & Meghan. I will never forget the wickedness of many, the abuse towards Meghan while she was pregnant. During such a crucial time, there was no thought given about potential harm to her or her baby. And the harm to Harry as his wife & baby were...
  12. D

    The Duchess of Sussex's Charities and Patronages

    Amazing how many items were purchased! Bravo to all those who participated & helped to make this project a success. I’m very happy that I was able to purchase several items & that it also helped others. It was such a terrific idea & I’m so glad that it was successful!
  13. D

    British Royal Christmas 1: 2008-2021

    Wonderful news that the Sussexes will be spending quality time with Meghan’s Mum! I’m sure Doria is delighted that she can finally spend Christmas with her only child, only grandchild & son-in-law. Harry has previously described Doria with such fondness and they all looked very loving &...
  14. D

    Harry & Meghan: Legal Actions against the Media

    It’s good to see these honourable women speak out against the atrocious media treatment of Duchess Meghan. The bullying and racism increased during Meghan’s pregnancy; I will never forget those who were complicit & encouraged this vile behaviour while Meghan & Harry suffered. No one should be...
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    Harry & Meghan: Legal Actions against the Media

    I’m sure there will be some people that agree with you. However, the Royal family support many mental health charities and this month, we just recognized an international day, “World Mental Health Day” for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma. There will...
  16. D

    British Royal Family: Documentaries, DVDs, Films and TV shows

    Harry & Meghan worked hard & the SA tour was very successful. The work with the charities they gave attention to will continue. The U.K. press have their own agenda, just as they did last year after a successful Oceania tour. The press sabotaged it & started malicious rumours about Meghan. There...
  17. D

    Harry & Meghan: Legal Actions against the Media

    Thank goodness there are true leaders like Harry & Meghan! It’s not easy, but they are bravely trying to do something that has the potential to benefit the general public. There are many people who can relate to being bullied & bullied by U.K. press. There are many who’ve filed complaints with...
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    Princess of Asturias Awards 2015-2019

    Leonor was awesome! It was a pleasure to listen to this graceful, young princess speak. She was very engaging as she spoke & her family looked incredibly proud of her.
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    Harry & Meghan: Legal Actions against the Media

    MoS were malicious & I hope they pay enormously for unethical standards. There were plenty of events to cover yet they chose to bully a pregnant woman. They initially embargoed the article to prevent info being published in time for a retraction. It’s disgusting that some people think economic...
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    Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Current Events 1: May 2018 - March 2020

    Nice to see Prince Harry with the Arch Bishop of Canterbury at this Faith and Mental Health Conference today. No one should suffer in silence.
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    The Duke of Sussex as Patron of WellChild

    Harry, thankfully is not afraid to show empathy. No matter one’s circumstances, the ability to understand & share feelings is a good & priceless thing.
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    The Duke of Sussex as Patron of WellChild

    Prince Harry is the perfect patron for the WellChild charity. He is wonderful and compassionate with the children and their caregivers. The WellChild Awards is one of my favourite events, so inspirational. I’m glad that Harry has an equally caring wife to give attention to this important charity...
  23. D

    British Royal Family: Documentaries, DVDs, Films and TV shows

    I’m glad that documentary has be quickly picked up for the North American audience. The Sussex’s South African tour was so inspirational, it was so nice to see some of the work being accomplished by the wonderful charities that were highlighted. I enjoyed all of the speeches and brief interviews...
  24. D

    Harry & Meghan: Legal Actions against the Media

    That’s not true at all. While certain media & people were constantly bullying Meghan to contact her father. He was giving interviews in tabloids & appearing on TV. Irritatingly even BBC News gave this man a platform to bully pregnant Meghan & lie about her as he claimed that she hadn’t contacted...
  25. D

    The Duchess of Sussex's Charities and Patronages

    Duchess Meghan will be attending the WellChild Awards with her husband tomorrow.
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