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  1. Aliza

    Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and Sofia Hellqvist: June 13, 2015

    SVT is no longer streaming live for me, at least. So I guess the waltz is not going to be shown? Or did they choose not to have one? Anyone know? They were speaking about it at the end on SVT but sadly I don't have a word of Swedish.
  2. Aliza

    Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and Sofia Hellqvist: June 13, 2015

    I am not a fan of Sofia Hellqvist, but credit where it is due: She knocked it out of the park with her wedding gown. She looks the best I have ever seen her and better than many other recent Royal brides, eg I prefer her dress, veil and flowers to Kate Middleton's.
  3. Aliza

    Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and Sofia Hellqvist: June 13, 2015

    Sophie Wessex looks elegant and beautiful.
  4. Aliza

    Duke and Duchess of Cambridge Current Events 6: January 2014 - September 2016

    Darn, I wish he had had inside info! (Simon, not William :))
  5. Aliza

    Baby Cambridge 2: Guess the Sex of the Baby and Potential Godparents

    I hope very much that there will be a brother for George as I'd be surprised if Kate has any more. (Although I think a third pregnancy is more likely if she has a boy this time; both Charles and William have expressed wishes for a girl, William the last time and Charles at the beginning of this...
  6. Aliza

    Royals' Ex-Partners

    I could not agree more. Harry has the best of both his parents, IMO; showing support to and remaining friends - post break-up - with someone with whom one has been in love is a true mark of maturity and an ability to form good solid relationships of all kinds. OT but how I wish Harry had been...
  7. Aliza

    Future Home for Prince Harry

    I highly doubt Charles will put his son, second-born or not, in a cottage he had built for staff at Highgrove. I can just see it now. "Harry, you can have Paul and Maria Burrell's old cottage or would you prefer Michael Fawcett's?" - I don't think so. Many, IMHO, are ignoring the message...
  8. Aliza

    Future Home for Prince Harry

    Were there not murmurs after the death of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, that post Charles and Camilla moving to BP when he becomes King, CH will be given to the nation much as Marlborough House was after the death of Queen Mary? I also believe I read this as part of the reasons William and...
  9. Aliza

    Best Royal Brides & Wedding Dresses

    My Top Three: 1) Lady Diana Spencer 2) Lady Sarah Armstrong-Jones 3) Princess Marina of Greece and Denmark Worst Ever: - Kate Middleton -
  10. Aliza

    Shoes Worn by Royal Brides

    I meant Victoria of Sweden. Thanks for pointing that out to me in time for me to edit it above!:flowers: :bang::bang::bang: - I hate when I let my brain get distracted and forget what my fingers are typing:sad:.
  11. Aliza

    Shoes Worn by Royal Brides

    Best Bridal Shoes: 1-Diana, Princess of Wales (Every bit as detailed and romantic as her wedding gown, plus loved the fact she wore flats.) 2-Princess Madeleine (Modern, refined, but still sexy.) 3-The Queen (Old-fashioned, pure class) 4-CP Mette Merit (Elegance in rare form.) 5-Princess Grace...
  12. Aliza

    The Queen: Would She Consider Abdication or Retirement?

    Queen Elizabeth will never abdicate. The word is not even in her vocabulary pertaining to the British Monarchy.
  13. Aliza

    Discussion about Mette-Marit's past

    I know very little about Mette Merit of Norway and would be interested in learning about what made her into the person with whom Haakon fell in love. She has really intrigued me greatly since seeing her at Albert of Monaco's wedding and I'm hugely interested in finding out all about her; past...
  14. Aliza

    Make-up & Skincare of Royals

    Kate Cambridge needs to ditch the way, way over done, oh-so-black and thick eyeliner. Honestly, she looks much of the time as if she puts her make up on with a trowel. I'm sure she'd look younger and prettier with far less cosmetics, and it would be better for her skin, as well. I saw her in...
  15. Aliza

    Best Royal Brides & Wedding Dresses

    Best: 1-Princess Madeleine of Sweden (She floated down the aisle; exquisite!) 2-Diana, Princess of Wales (For most dramatic dress; grand enough for the occasion and the venue.) 3-Tie between CP Mette-Merit of Norway and CP Victoria (On dress alone I'd give it to M-M; for sheer radiance, it's...
  16. Aliza

    General News for Queen Elizabeth and Duke of Edinburgh 1: July 2008-March 2017

    Yes, she does take milk with her Earl Grey, as does the Prince of Wales. Paul Burrell wrote about it in his first book. (Also I'm pretty sure he mentioned the Queen Mother did as well, but I'm not 100% on that.) Interestingly, Diana did not like tea at all and usually drank instant coffee! I...
  17. Aliza

    Different Facets of Diana

    :previous: Actually, you hit on the most important point :flowers: ( I missed it completely) which is - that to me, one of the most amazing qualities Diana had was her desire and determination to do good with her gifts - even when the "grey men" sought to stop her (different reasons at...
  18. Aliza

    Different Facets of Diana

    Diana's gift was to be able to make people (especially those who had never even met or seen her in person) feel as if they knew her well. I agree with other posters that the beauty, grace and charitable works played a role as well, but to me - she connected quickly, positively and intimately...
  19. Aliza

    Princess Madeleine of Sweden's Wedding Dress

    I guess I'm in the minority, but I love, love , love it and think Madde looks absolutely stunning.
  20. Aliza

    Diana's Relationships with The Queen and Other Members of the Royal Family

    I think the historian in question probably wouldn't put letters between members of the Royal Family in the same category as those from the public or "bread and butter" letters from friends. We have no way of truly knowing PM's intentions but since Shawcross singles out letters from Diana...
  21. Aliza

    The Duchess of Cambridge's Eveningwear Part 4: August 2012 - October 2013

    I agree; the dress is way too old for Kate (is it just me or does she sometimes veer between the too-young-for-her and the too-old-for-her extremes of the spectrum?) Usually, I admire her dress sense, BTW.
  22. Aliza

    The Duchess of Cambridge: Will she become more popular than Diana?

    Just to clarify my previous post: I did not mean that William deliberately set out to choose to marry a woman different from his Mum - just that IMHO, that's what happened. I personally don't see very much in common between Kate and Diana, but as another poster, Kataryn, noted - only the...
  23. Aliza

    The Duchess of Cambridge: Will she become more popular than Diana?

    Charlotte1: The name of the adviser (who was actually technically posted to Charles - which given the Camilla situation probably wasn't the best idea for a trustful relationship) was Oliver Everett. It was his second secondment from the Foreign Office to the Office of the POW and he was warned...
  24. Aliza

    The Duchess of Cambridge: Will she become more popular than Diana?

    LOL, I am admitting to my age today by this response. I truly don't think anyone who did not live through it can really grasp how much Diana impacted fashion during her early Royal "career", which IMHO, was also the height of her popularity pre-War of the Waleses. From a decade plus of...
  25. Aliza

    Diana's Relationships with The Queen and Other Members of the Royal Family

    I agree with you, Sirhon.:flowers: I too, think PM was very unhappy in her personal life; I think it's a shame she didn't marry Peter Townsend, and the situations with Townsend and then her own marriage with Snowdon are why, IMHO, she had so much sympathy for Diana prior to the Panorama interview.
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