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  1. Baroncabodifalco

    The LanFang Republic

    I came across this obscure republic, below excerpt taken direct from Wikipedia. The Lanfang Republic was a Chinese state and kongsi federation in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. It was established by a Hakka Chinese named Luo Fangbo in 1777, until it was ended by Dutch occupation in 1884.
  2. Baroncabodifalco

    The White Rajahs of Sarawak

    This was a bonafide kingdom founded by one James Brooke and carried on with his heirs Charles and Vyner. They were collectively referred to as the White Rajahs of Sarawak. a general history...
  3. Baroncabodifalco

    Royalty of the Kingdom of Laos

    I came across this excellent book entitled "The Last Century of Lao Royalty: A Documentary History" by Grant Evans and decided to start this thread to explore more visual info and documentation on their court dress and customs.
  4. Baroncabodifalco


    Hello All. Just joined this forum and my interests are in royalty costumes, processions, events. I build miniatures and like these details. I am especially interested in South-east Asian and Asian royalties. I have already seen a number of very interesting threads and pictures here. I look...
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