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  1. P

    Windsurfer Prince

    Hi, Folks, A few years ago I saw a photo of a couple on the beach. The man was windsurfing and identified as as a prince from a former royal family. The woman was an art historian. I believe either the photo was taken in Spain, or they lived there. I'd say they were in their 30s or 40s...
  2. P

    Willem-Alexander, Máxima and Family, General News Part 2 (May 2013 - May 2017)

    Of course, I wish many many happy and healthy years for this beautiful family (so please do not read anything into this question -- it is simply curiosity). If Willem-Alexander abdicates I assume Maxima would revert to being a Princess. However, if he died in office (many years from now)...
  3. P

    Royal Hairstyles Part 2: January 2013 -

    Are there any royal (or semi-royal) men with long hair? I searched the forum but the only person who came up was Andrea C. and he chopped off his hair several months ago.
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