King Jigme, Queen Jetsun Pema and the Royal Family of Bhutan 1: Ending 2021

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Happy birthday to the little prince ? :flowers I can’t believe he is four.

Wonderful photos.

So excited when this becomes family of four.
Happy Birthday to the Crown Prince!
A beautiful little boy ! With parents as beautiful as they are, I think it must be normal !
On 9 February the King granted Audience to the participants of the 37th Batch DeSuung Training Programme.
126 men and women took part in the training programme, which was specially intended for teachers


On 18 February Her Majesty the Gyalyum Sangay Choden Wangchuck and Her Royal Highness Ashi Eeuphelma Choden Wangchuck inaugurates the exhibition Commemorating the 40th Birth Anniversary of His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck titled - ‘Royal Robes’ at the Textile Museum, Royal Textile Academy.

Amongst other historically significant objects the exhibition includes the First Raven crown belonging to Jigme Namgyal, royal robes, crowns and accessories belonging to the Monarchs and Queens of the Wangchuck Dynasty

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Bhutanese Royal House released a photo marked His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck’s 40th birthday on 21 February 2020.


The King celebrated Losar with people from various walks of life at the Simtokha Dzong this morning 24 Febraury The Prime Minister and representatives of the government, civil service, Zhung Dratshang, armed forces, entrepreneurs, media, and other groups, offered Tashi Lekdhar and prayers at the Kuenrey of the Simtokha Dzong.


French Fashion Designer Christian Louboutin, in Paris, wearing a badge with a picture of His Majesty The King


Happy March to all!!

A beautiful picture from a beautiful family!!!

The Queen is so sweet!!
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Might be their last portrait as a family of 3! So lovely! Soon, they'll be a family of 4!

Can't wait for the baby to arrive. They said spring, so most probably April or May.
Such a lovely photo - I love that little Jigme is hugging his father's leg. ?
The King is on a tour of Samtse and Phuentsholing to inspect preparations in place against COVID-19. He met with personnel working at various levels who are engaged in our defense against this global outbreak. While in Samtse, the King inspected work that has started at the Gyalsung Training Centre site.


A new Prince in the family!!!!! Congratulations!!!

"❀ Announcement ❀

We are honoured to announce the birth of the second Royal Child of Their Majesties The King and Queen, a Prince, on the 19th of March 2020, corresponding with the 25th day of the 1st month of the Male Iron Rat year, in Lingkana Palace, Thimphu.
Her Majesty and the royal baby are in good health, and His Royal Highness The Gyalsey was delighted to meet his younger brother.
Their Majesties express their gratitude to the medical team, the Zhung Dratshang and to everyone for their well-wishes and prayers.
While this remains a very happy occasion for the Royal family and the nation and people of Bhutan, Their Majesties wish to remind all Bhutanese to be mindful, responsible and supportive to each other in the wake of the COVID-19 virus.
Their Majesties have everyone whose lives have been affected by this global pandemic in their thoughts and prayers."
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A new Prince in the family!!!!! Congratulations!!!

"❀ Announcement ❀

We are honoured to announce the birth of the second Royal Child of Their Majesties The King and Queen, a Prince, on the 19th of March 2020, corresponding with the 25th day of the 1st month of the Male Iron Rat year, in Lingkana Palace, Thimphu.
Her Majesty and the royal baby are in good health, and His Royal Highness The Gyalsey was delighted to meet his younger brother.
Their Majesties express their gratitude to the medical team, the Zhung Dratshang and to everyone for their well-wishes and prayers.
While this remains a very happy occasion for the Royal family and the nation and people of Bhutan, Their Majesties wish to remind all Bhutanese to be mindful, responsible and supportive to each other in the wake of the COVID-19 virus.
Their Majesties have everyone whose lives have been affected by this global pandemic in their thoughts and prayers."
Such beautiful news! Congratulations to their Majesties and The Gyalsey!
Congratulations to the parents, grandparents and big brother!
Wonderful news. Curious what combination of names (most likely names already in the family) the baby prince will get. How soon would they normally announce the name?
Happy news!
So much news is so grim right now, this was joyful to read.
I look forward to when they release some photos.
Lovely news!!!
A Royal Birth

?: At last some wonderful happy royal news.
Congratulations to their Majesties another beautiful boy. :king3:
Happy news!!!!! Congratulations!!! I hoped for a princess, but a little prince is nice too!! Little Gyalsey is a big brother now!!!

Now they have the direct line of succession secure ;)
The little Princess may still come someday, the Queen turns only 30 in June.
Nice to get some good news for a change. Somehow I was expecting this to be a little later in the spring - no idea why though.
Baby could be born a little before due date.
Wonderful news. Curious what combination of names (most likely names already in the family) the baby prince will get. How soon would they normally announce the name?

If like his brother we may have a wait. His big brother was born February 5 but we didn’t know his name until over two months later on April 16. They traditionally have a naming ceremony. The

It may not take as long as his brothers ceremony was done on a special anniversary. I don’t know if they have to wait for a certain date.

Anyways congratulations to the parents, big brother and extended family.

Great news at a time like this with all bad news right now.

Had hoped for a little princess but thought it was going to be a year of boys. A little brother for the Gyalsey. And the couple are young, they may get a little princess down the line.

Excited to see the new baby. And new monthly calendars with a family of four.
Congratulations to the family! I can't wait to see photos of the new little prince, and hear of a name.
I wonder if the April calender will show us the newborn, I hope so ;) Can't wait to see the new family of four!

I think it will take a while for us to know the name of the baby. They'll probably announce it during some milestone.
It will be interesting to see how they handle his naming.

By tradition they wait until their traditional naming ceremony. Like the Danish royals and their no name till Christening. But with everything going on they cant really have a big naming ceremony for the new little prince. I wonder if they would do a private one with just the immediate family, and announce the name/reveal photos.

I think perhaps they may just postpone it. The Gyalsey's was two months after his birth anyways. They may want to wait until they can share it properly with their people. Tradition is so important in their country.

I do hope we see a picture of all four on April 1st.
The King is in Phuentsholing to inspect the plans put in place to ensure uninterrupted supply of essential goods from India, in light of the closure of borders, and the 21-day lockdown in India on 25 March.
The King is on a tour of Samtse and Phuentsholing.


Happy (with calm and courage) April to all!!!

The calendar for April features Sangay Menlha, the Medicine Buddha. Sangay Menlha is invoked in the Buddhist tradition to assist in the healing of illnesses of both the body and mind. Depicted in blue, the Medicine Buddha holds a bowl containing the elixir of life in the left hand and a medicinal herb in the right.
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Name of the little Prince still unknown?
Name of the little Prince still unknown?

Yes. Like Denmark we will have a wait. Not a christening, but a traditional Bhutanese naming ceremony is held. We had to wait over 2 months with his brother.

Lovely calendar picture and fitting certainly. Though I had been hoping for a photo of the new family of four or just the new baby.
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