
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Prince of Chota

Apr 17, 2006
I've been on the forums for a while, but never formally introduced myself...

My name is Sean Soquili Gaoulo

I am a native of Southern California, but have lived in Hawai'i, England (Kent), and now New York.

I am a student at Cornell University, and will be moving back to Europe (though I will probably live on the continent, this time).

I am interested in almost all aspects of royalty and nobility, worldwide.
Hi everyone --
My name is Emma and I've been interested in European royalty for quite some time now. This forum is so great, I especially like the wedding and engagement section!

Hope to see you around!
Emma :)

Am bit new to posting on websites so be patient with me... Hope I am doing this right!

I am mainly interested in the British Royal Family, especially Princess Di who I think was an inspiration to us all.

Hope to communicate with like-minded people on the site.
Hello to all forumers. I'm Nadiah from Malaysia. I've been a member for quite some time, but was a little shy to take part actively. Hope to see you guys around.
Hello from the Dominion of New Zealand.

At least one or two of you may know me.In case you don't,I am Aidan Work from the Dominion of New Zealand.My interest in monarchy dates from an early age,as I was appointed a Six Leader in the Cub Scouts in Fordell,which is located near my home town of Wanganui,which is rightfully the most Royalist town in the entire Dominion.In 1995,I became involved in opposing an illegal occupation of Moutoa Gardens (which is a public park in Wanganui) by Maori Nationalists who camped there for 80 days.As a reward for my fierce loyalty,I became a constitutional ally to Sir Michael Hardie-Boys,who became Governor-General of the Dominion in 1996,after being presented to him at a charity function for the Nelson Mandela Trust at Government House here in Wellington.

Since retiring in 2001,former Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie-Boys & I still remain friends.Although we don't see one another,I always send him a card for his birthday & one for Christmas.He usually reciprocates.Even now,he still regards me very highly,especially in terms of constitutional matters.He & I disagree on some things,but he knows where I am coming from.

Wanganui has a very strong royal & viceregal association,as Prince Edward (now the Earl of Wessex) taught at Wanganui Collegiate School in the early 1980's.

The late Lord Porritt (1900 - 1994) was New Zealand's first native-born Governor-General (as Sir Arthur Porritt) from 1967 until 1972.I am very proud of the fact that he was born in Wanganui.

The nephew of the last Rajah of Sarawak (Sir Charles Vyner Brooke),Antony Brooke,who was the Raja Muda prior to 1946,when Sarawak was ceded to the Crown as a colony,has now retired to Wanganui.

My family & friends tell me that I am the closest thing to a Governor-General that they have,as I am fiercely protective of my viceregal links.They can understand why I am so fiercely anti-republican to the hilt.

Although I was a constitutional ally to Sir Michael Hardie-Boys,I was only ever asked to see him whenever the need arose,so,unfortunately for me,I never got to meet any members of the Royal Family.I've also never met any Maori Chiefs either.

Since retiring as a constitutional ally to former Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie-Boys,I have been busy working in the numismatic trade.In addition to this,I am very passionate about coins & banknotes.Naturally,I specialise in collecting those from British Commonwealth countries,including Ireland & Zimbabwe.Mozambican & Cameroonian items I am not interested in,as they're really foreign countries,not worthy of being in the British Commonwealth.

Hi everybody,
I've been lurking for awhile and decided to give this posting thing a try. This looks like a very entertaining and informative site and everbody seems to get along for the most part. I love all the photos that are posted and hopefully I will learn to post them too. :)
hello, i forgot to introduce myself, i used to enter the forum but just to peer, sorry my english, i´m trying to improve but its so hard. i want to tell you i´m a fan of Princess Caroline since i was a child, and have lots of pictures, i´m so glad i found this forum to express myself, and share with other people our interests. I would also be nice to maka some friends, you know, we argentinians are very friendly, so feel free to communicate with me, a´ll be glad, and will improve my english
Hello all!
My name is Megan. I'm 24 and I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma and I am a student at the University of Tulsa. I think this forum is very neat and great for info! I lived in Japan so I have a particular interest in the Japanese Imperial Family. However, finding out info about other royals is great as well. Nice to meet you all! :)
Greetings name is David, I live in the USA. I'm interested in monarchy and royalty around the world as well as history. I also enjoy reading about urban legends, i can get lost in Wikipedia for hours too!
I have 5 dogs...4 poodles (Kermit, Anastasia, Olga and Gryffon) and a minature Schnauzer (Basil).
welcome, welcome, welcome to everyone!:flowers: hope you enjoy being in the forums and be active and we all hope to interact with you guys here. and if you're worried about your english, don't worry, we're willing to help you.;)
Royalist0007 said:
At least one or two of you may know me.In case you don't,I am Aidan Work from the Dominion of New Zealand.My interest in monarchy dates from an early age,as I was appointed a Six Leader in the Cub Scouts in Fordell,which is located near my home town of Wanganui,which is rightfully the most Royalist town in the entire Dominion.In 1995,I became involved in opposing an illegal occupation of Moutoa Gardens (which is a public park in Wanganui) by Maori Nationalists who camped there for 80 days.As a reward for my fierce loyalty,I became a constitutional ally to Sir Michael Hardie-Boys,who became Governor-General of the Dominion in 1996,after being presented to him at a charity function for the Nelson Mandela Trust at Government House here in Wellington.

Since retiring in 2001,former Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie-Boys & I still remain friends.Although we don't see one another,I always send him a card for his birthday & one for Christmas.He usually reciprocates.Even now,he still regards me very highly,especially in terms of constitutional matters.He & I disagree on some things,but he knows where I am coming from.

Wanganui has a very strong royal & viceregal association,as Prince Edward (now the Earl of Wessex) taught at Wanganui Collegiate School in the early 1980's.

The late Lord Porritt (1900 - 1994) was New Zealand's first native-born Governor-General (as Sir Arthur Porritt) from 1967 until 1972.I am very proud of the fact that he was born in Wanganui.

The nephew of the last Rajah of Sarawak (Sir Charles Vyner Brooke),Antony Brooke,who was the Raja Muda prior to 1946,when Sarawak was ceded to the Crown as a colony,has now retired to Wanganui.

My family & friends tell me that I am the closest thing to a Governor-General that they have,as I am fiercely protective of my viceregal links.They can understand why I am so fiercely anti-republican to the hilt.

Although I was a constitutional ally to Sir Michael Hardie-Boys,I was only ever asked to see him whenever the need arose,so,unfortunately for me,I never got to meet any members of the Royal Family.I've also never met any Maori Chiefs either.

Since retiring as a constitutional ally to former Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie-Boys,I have been busy working in the numismatic trade.In addition to this,I am very passionate about coins & banknotes.Naturally,I specialise in collecting those from British Commonwealth countries,including Ireland & Zimbabwe.Mozambican & Cameroonian items I am not interested in,as they're really foreign countries,not worthy of being in the British Commonwealth.


Thank you Aidan for that delightfully detailed, if judgemental, bring up some rather controversial topics that I'm sure we'll enjoy hearing your opinions on.
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