Andrea Casiraghi, the “Wildcard” of Monaco

  November 30, 2010 at 7:59 pm by

View the image at Belga

Andrea Casiraghi has changed over the last few years; he has a cleaner, mature aspect. He also has a job in the embassy of Qatar and shows that he is very interesed in his activities in the embassy which is in Paris, France. What has happened to “the Rebel Angel” of Monaco?

Andrea attended American University of Paris, after attending McGill University in Canada for a semester. He studied international politics and visual arts at AUP, more specifically; his major was International and Comparative Politics. He has a minor in fine arts, too.

View the image at the Vogue Forum

His job at the embassy, as he himself stated in his Hola! interview this year, consists of doing some practices at the cabinet of His Excellence Mohamed Gaham Al Quwari, who is the ambassador of Qatar in France. Andrea has already participated in the organization of several cultural and sportive events. He also declares that he is very interested in his mother’s foundation, AMADE, and in the Fondation Motrice, that he sponsors.

Maybe he can now breathe easier because his uncle, Prince Albert II, is finally getting married and will probably have children, so that will take away the pressure he has suffered from when he was a teenager as future heir to the Monaco throne. But, in any case, Prince Albert knows he has a wildcard to use at the last minute if he wishes, it’s just a matter of time to see what will happen to Casiraghi’s destiny after June or July 2011.

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